2022 (#181) : Malaguzzi , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Jung , Tao Te Ching , I Ching , Sri Ramana Maharshi , William Blake , Dogen , Job

They are trying to understand what friendship is. Children grow in many directions together, but a child is always in search of relationships. Children get to know each other through all their senses. Touching the hair of another child is very important. Smell is important. This is a way children are able to understand the identity of themselves and the identity of others.

  • Malaguzzi

This consciousness that “I Am” has created, and sustains, all the
wonders in the world for which men take credit; on the other hand, this
consciousness has no control over itself.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

This magnetic process revolutionizes the ego-oriented psyche
by setting up, in contradistinction to the ego, another goal or
centre which is characterized by all manner of names and symbols: fish, serpent, centre of the sea-hawk, point, monad, cross,
paradise, and so on.

  • Jung

The mountain is of
gold and a particle of that mountain is also gold. I am that mountain and
every particle is myself. The entire beingness manifest is myself, and each
being is a sample of myself. The knowledge “I Am” in each species is
myself. The very life force – luminous, bright, radiant, indwelling principle is myself.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Like a magnet, the new centre attracts to itself that which is proper to it.

  • Jung

She who is centered in the Tao can go where she wishes, without danger. She perceives the universal harmony, even amid great pain, because she has found peace in her heart.

  • Tao Te Ching

Knowledge takes rest in that deep blue, quiet, peaceful, benign
shade. When that shade is shifted aside, then he sees the various
manifestations in the form of universes and worlds. But when the shade
is there, it is the deep, dark blue state, fully relaxed.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

VIEW, look at carefully, gaze at; also: a monastery, an observatory; scry, divine through liquid in a cup. The ideogram: see and waterbird, observe through air or water

  • I Ching

From our perception of the world there follows acceptance of a unique First Principle possessing various powers. Pictures of name and form, the person who sees, the screen on which he sees, and the light by which he sees: he himself is all of these.

  • Sri Ramana Maharshi

From every-one of the Four Regions of Human Majesty
There is an Outside spread Without & an Outside spread


Beyond the Outline of Identity both ways, which meet

in One

  • William Blake

whatever has been planted, whatever you
have received, is going to change you. You are completely possessed.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

When you demand nothing of the world, nor of God, when you want nothing, seek nothing, expect nothing then the Supreme State will come to you uninvited and unexpected!

  • Dogen

for you will be in league with the stones in the field,
and the wild animals will be at peace with you.

  • Job 5:23

Good fortune in turning upside down, seeking nourishment. The one above sheds light.

  • I Ching

remember this “I Am” principle and without the command or direction of
this principle, do nothing.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

2022 (#180) : Montessori , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Mathew , Emerson , Jung , Joshua , John Ashbery , Job , Tao Te Ching , Judges , I Ching

To stimulate life,–leaving it then free to develop, to unfold,–herein lies the first task of the educator

  • Montessori

Once the decision is
taken, there is no moving away from it. The fruition of your spirituality is
to fully understand your own true nature, to stabilize in your true
identity. One must have patience, the capacity to wait and see.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

As you enter the home, give it your greeting.

  • Mathew

The new position of the advancing man has
all the powers of the old~ yet has them all new. It carries in its
bosom all the energies of the past, yet is itself an exhalation of the

  • Emerson

Be friendly with your undifferentiated state, your true Self.
There was never any division, but you are under the delusion that you are not one with it.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Since it stands for the
essence of individuation, and individuation is impossible without a relationship to one’s environment, it is found among those
of like mind with whom individual relations can be established.

  • Jung

they buried him on the hill

  • Joshua

I am alive because of my own nature, It is there, the existence is there, I am there only because of that existence. My true state, which is whole, undifferentiated, is beyond birth and death. I am never bound by my body and mind. I am limitless.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The extreme austerity of an almost empty mind
Colliding with the lush, Rousseau-like foliage of its desire to communicate
Something between breaths, if only for the sake
Of others and their desire to understand you 

  • John Ashbery

He moves the mountains, although they don’t know it

  • Job 9:5

On my true, whole, homogeneous state just a small ripple appeared, the
news came, “I Am.” That news made all the difference, and I started
knowing this; but now I have known my true state, so I understand my
true state first, and then I understand that this ripple is coming and going
on my true state. While, in your case, you take interest in the ripple and
don’t take interest in your true state.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

acts like a circumambient atmosphere to which no definite limits can be set, either in space or in time.(Hence the synchronistic phenomena so often associated with activated archetypes.)

  • Jung

He alone spreads out the sky
and walks on the waves in the sea

  • Job 9:8

The ultimate point of view is that there is nothing to understand, so
when we try to understand, we are only indulging in acrobatics of the

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

 In harmony with the Tao, the sky is clear and spacious, the earth is solid and full , all creatures flourish together, content with the way they are, endlessly repeating themselves, endlessly renewed.

  • Tao Te Ching

The mountains melted …

  • Judges

it was clear that the “centre,” or what we
would call the Self, does not lie in the ego but is outside it, “in
us” yet not “in our mind,” being located rather in that which we
unconsciously are, the “quid” which we still have to recognize.

  • Jung

Whatever spiritual things you aspire to know are all happening in
this objective world, in the illusion; all your activities, material and
spiritual, are in this illusion.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

making a resolution is equivalent to casting aside hesitation.

eliminate hesitation.

Breakthrough (Resoluteness).

When water on the ground has risen up to Heaven and accumulated as a lake of cloud in the sky, surely there will be a cloudburst.

  • I Ching

2022 (#179) : Jerome Bruner , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Emerson , Jung , Joshua , John

Finding a place in the world … is ultimately an act of imagination. The home, workplace, and social (friendship) circles have different values and beliefs, which complicates the individual’s ability to subsist within one culture. Therefore, people should be encouraged to identify and understand their perceptions of culture and go beyond the cultural ways to innovate … to create … Each must be his own artist, his own scientist, his own historian, his own navigator.

  • Jerome Bruner

The seed of the universe is dimensionless but, because of the body, the
consciousness appears and identifies with the body but actually
everything is manifest, all-pervasive consciousness. That “I love” is
manifest. For the whole universe there is no question of profit or loss,
only when the identification with the body is present does the question

  • Sri Nisatgadatta Maharaj

Character makes an overpowering present: a cheerful, determined hour, which fortifies all the company by making them see that much is possible and excellent that was not thought of.

  • Emerson

When you take food, who is eating? The “I Amness.” The food also
contains the “I Amness,” so when you consume it, you retain your “I
Amness.” Though the “I Amness” is in the food, nobody identifies with the food – they say, “this is my lunch; I am not this,” but when it is consumed by them and becomes part of the body they say, “I am the body” – that mistake they make.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

This description fits the paradoxical situation of the self, as its symbolism shows. It is the smallest of the small, easily over- looked and pushed aside. Indeed, it is in need of help and must
be perceived, protected, and as it were built up by the conscious
mind, just as if it did not exist at all and were called into being
only through man’s care and devotion.

  • Jung

Because of the vital breath, the mind flow is there. Mind means words,
so thoughts are there – they are the concepts. Look at your root, the child
consciousness, and finish it off.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

give me sources of water

  • Joshua

… water welling up to eternal life.

  • John 4:14

This consciousness is a tree, but there was a seed – go to the seed.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

2022 (#178) : David Elkind , Emerson , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Derrida, Mathew , I Ching , John Ashbery , Joshua

Children learn through play, but their capacity for learning is limited by their
social situation, their emotional condition, and their physical and intellectual
development. Yet we best ensure a child’s healthy growth, whatever these conditions, by supporting and encouraging the child’s own self-initiated learning activities.

  • David Elkind

The eye  is the first circle; the horizon which it forms is the second; and throughout nature this primary figure is repeated without end. 

  • Emerson

The world is nothing but the picture of your own “I” consciousness.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Repetition and first time: this is perhaps the question of the event
as question of the ghost. What is a ghost? 

  • Derrida

When is there an ego? The ego is there when you have certain
reactions. You take delivery of whatever is observed spontaneously. You
cling to it, register it, then only is there an ego.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

 They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.

  • Mathew

after Falling Away comes Turning Back

after Splitting Apart comes Return

  • I Ching, Hexagram 24

The person has no being in itself; it is a reflection in the mind of the witness, the ‘I am’, which again is a mode of being.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The bars had been removed from all the windows

There was something quiet in the way the light entered

Her troussaeau. Wine fished out of the sea — they hadn’t known

We were coming relaxed forever

  • John Ashbery

we will treat you kindly and in good faith.

  • Joshua

Because the witnessing state happens, hence you are; because you are,
witnessing is palpably felt; because the sun is, light is. If there is no
witnessing, where is the witness? Dwell there.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

2022 (#177) : Montessori , Malaguzzi , Bhagavad Gita , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Proverbs , Deuteronomy , Nietzsche , Emerson , Mathew

The child is endowed with an unknown power and
this unknown power guides us towards a more luminous
future. Education can no longer be the giving of know-
ledge only ; it must take a different path. The con-
sideration of personality, the development of human
potentialities must become the centre of education. When
to begin such education ?

  • Montessori

Observing in this way offers tremendous benefits. It
requires a shift in the role of the teacher from an
emphasis of teaching to an emphasis on learning,
teachers learning about themselves as teachers as
well as teachers learning about children. This is a self-learning that takes place for the teacher and it
enables the teacher to see things that are taking place
in children that teachers were not able to see before.

  • Malaguzzi

Now I shall tell you of the End of wisdom. When a man knows this he goes beyond death … beginningless supreme: beyond what is and what is not.

  • Bhagavad Gita

A jnani is aware of the origin and the value of consciousness, this beingness, which has
spontaneously dawned on him. This same consciousness plays a multitude of roles, some happy,
some unhappy; but whatever the roles, the jnani is merely the seer of them. The roles have no effect
on the jnani.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The lot is cast into the lap,
but its every decision is from the Lord.

  • Mashal/Proverbs

When you are in deep sleep and you start to see forms, you are actually dreaming. Aren’t those dream forms coming from your own beingness? Whatever you see, even in
the waking state, doesn’t it come from your own beingness which is dwelling within the body?
In deep sleep, consciousness was in a dormant condition; there were no bodies, no concepts, no
encumbrances. Upon the arrival of this apparently wakeful state, with the arrival of the concept “I
Am”, the love of “I Am” woke up. That itself is Maya, illusion.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Adonai appeared in the tent in a column of cloud; the column of cloud stood above the entrance to the tent. 

  • Deuteronomy

The dream
world is very old, it is not new. You see old monuments in your dreams. Your beingness is very

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

I live–if I choose to see things this way–among a curious race that sees earth, its chance events and the vast interconnectedness of animals, mammals, and insects not so much in relation to themselves–or the necessities limiting them–but in relation to the unlimited, lost, and unintelligible aspect of the skies.

  • Nietzsche

There were no forms, then suddenly forms appeared, just as in the dream world.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The difference between talents and character is adroitness to
keep the old and trodden round, and power and courage to make
a new road to new and better goals.

  • Emerson

You as a dreamer are sleeping on the bed, but in your dream world you see a body and you
think it is you, and you are doing everything through this dream body. In that same way, bodies are
created in the so-called waking state.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

suck honey from the rocks

  • Deuteronomy

The tangle which is entirely below the level of consciousness can be set right by being with yourself, the ‘I am’, by watching yourself in your daily life with alert interest with the intention to understand rather than to judge, in full acceptance of whatever may emerge, because it is there

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

with the best from the sky, for the dew,
and for what comes from the deep beneath,

  • Deuteronomy

Blessed are the pure in heart,
    for they will see God.

  • Mathew

you encourage the deep to come to the surface and enrich your life and consciousness with its captive energies. This is the great work of awareness; it removes obstacles and releases energies by understanding the nature of life and mind. Intelligence is the door to freedom and alert attention is the mother of intelligence.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

2022 (#176) : Malaguzzi , Jerome Bruner , William Blake , John Ashbery , Mathew , Nietzsche , Deuteronomy , I Ching

We’ll discover that our presence, which has to be visible
and warm, makes it possible for us to try to get inside
the child and what that child is doing. And this may
seem to be passive, but it is really a very strong
activity on our part.

  • Malaguzzi

learners help each other learn, each according to her abilities. And this, of course, need not exclude the presence of somebody serving in the role of teacher. It simply implies that the teacher does not play that role as a monopoly, that learners ‘scaffold’ for each other as well. The antithesis is the ‘transmission’ model …

  • Jerome Bruner

The Eternal Female groan’d; it was heard over all the earth

  • William Blake

This was as far as she would go —

A tavern with plants.

Dynamite out over the horizon

And a sequel, and a racket. Dolphins repelling

The sand. Squads of bulldozers

Wrecked the site, and she died laughing

  • John Ashbery

 in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

  • Mathew

Shadows of prophecy shiver along by the lakes and the rivers, and mutter across the ocean.

  • William Blake

I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who make things beautiful.

  • Nietzsche

 the word is very close to you — in your mouth, even in your heart; therefore, you can do it!

  • Deteronomy

On those infinite mountains of light

  • William Blake

We stood off the land because if you get too far

From a perfume you can squeeze the life out of it

One seal came into view and then the others

Yellow in the vast sun.

  • John Ashbery

Here holy thoughts a light have shed
From many a radiant face,
And prayers of humble virtue made
The perfume of the place.

  • Emerson

while the Morning plumes her golden breast

  • William Blake

 “A blessing on you when you go out, and a blessing on you when you come in.

  • Deuteronomy

For everything that lives is holy.

  • William Blake

When, in accord with this, movement follows the law of heaven, man is innocent and without guile. His mind is natural and true, unshadowed by reflection or ulterior designs. 

  • I Ching Hexagram 25

2022 (#175) : Vygotsky , Emerson , Job , John Ashbery , Mathew , Derrida , Deuteronomy , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Mandookya Upanishad , D.T. Suzuki

The most significant moment in the course of intellectual development,
which gives birth to the purely human forms of practical
and abstract intelligence, occurs when speech and practical activity,
two previously completely independent lines of development, converge.
Although children’s use of tools during their preverbal period is comparable
to that of apes, as soon as speech and the use of signs are
incorporated into any action, the action becomes transformed and organized
along entirely new lines. The specifically human use of tools is
thus realized, going beyond the more limited use of tools possible among
the higher animals.

  • Vygotsky

By virtue of this inevitable nature, private will is overpowered, and maugre our efforts or our imperfections, your genius will speak from you, and mine from me.That which we are, we shall teach, not voluntarily but involuntarily. Thoughts come into our minds by avenues which we never voluntarily opened. Character teaches over our head.

  • Emerson

You granted me life and grace;
your careful attention preserved my spirit.

  • Job 10:12

By so many systems
As we are involved in, by just so many
Are we set free on an ocean of language that comes to be
Part of us, as though we would ever get away .
The sky is very bright and very wide, and the waves talk to us,
Preparing dreams we’ll have to live with and us

  • John Ashbery

 store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

  • Mathew

Still on a preliminary level, let’s not forget Nietzsche’s precautions regarding what might link metaphysics and grammar.

  • Derrida

Adonai is one]; and you are to love Adonai your God with all your heart, all your being and all your resources.

  • Deuteronomy

The different singularity which I named perhaps does not even correspond to the grammatical form “who” in a sentence where in “who” is the subject of a verb coming after the subject, etc.

  • Derrida

where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

  • Mathew

On the other hand, if Freudian thought has been consequential in the decentering of the subject we have been talking about so much these last years, is the “ego”, in the elements of the topic or in the distribution of the positions of the unconscious, the only answer to the question “who”? And if so, what would be the consequences of this?

  • Derrida

The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy,[c] your whole body will be full of light. 

  • Mathew

 Do not fight with what you take to be obstacles on your way. Just be interested in them, watch them, observe, enquire. Let anything happen — good or bad. But don’t let yourself be submerged by what happens.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.

  • Mathew

Lords! inspiration of sacrifice! May our ears hear the good. May our eyes see the good. May we serve Him with the whole strength of our body. May we, all our life, carry out His will.

Peace, peace, and peace be everywhere.

  • Mandookya Upanishad

When the release takes place, whatever is born in the mind explodes like a volcanic eruption or spills out like lightning. Zen calls this ‘return to self’ . . .

  • D.T. Suzuki

2022 (#174) : Montessori , Malaguzzi , Bettelheim , Jerome Bruner , Emerson , Psalms , Job , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Tao Te Ching , John , Emerson , Mundaka Upanishads

To stimulate life,–leaving it then free to develop, to unfold,–herein lies the first task of the educator

  • Montessori

Our goal is to make an amiable school – that is, a school that is active, inventive, liveable, documentable and communicative. Our goal is to make a school that is a place of research, learning, revisitng, reconsideration, and reflecion. We strive to make an amiable school where children, teachers and families feel a sense of well being.

  • Malaguzzi

Myths and fairy stories both answer the eternal questions: What is the world
really like? How am I to live my life in it? How can I truly be myself? The answers
given by myths are definite, while the fairy tale is suggestive; its messages may imply
solutions, but it never spells them out. Fairy tales leave to the child’s fantasizing whether
and how to apply to himself what the story reveals about life and human nature.

  • Bettelheim

The supportive atmosphere of the school in principle is open and democratic, inviting exchange of ideas and suppressing distance between people; thus, in all circumstances, the school maintains its effectiveness and a welcoming feelng to all concerned.

  • Malaguzzi
  • Knowledge is not a storehouse. You already “know” most of what you “learn” in science and mathematics. “Learning” is, most often, figuring out how to use what you already know in order to go beyond what you currently think.
  • Jerome Bruner

As it is present in all persons, so it is in every period of life. it is adult already in the infant man.

  • Emerson

Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy.

  • Tehillim/Psalm 98:8

He will yet fill your mouth with laughter
and your lips with shouts of joy.

  • Job 8:21

You, the Self, being the root of all being, consciousness and joy, impart your reality to whatever you perceive. This imparting of reality takes place invariably in the now, at no other time, because past and future are only in the mind. ‘Being’ applies to the now only.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The Master gives himself up
to whatever the moment brings.

  • Tao Te Ching

I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see how the fields are already white with harvest.

  • John 4:35

Ineffable is the union of man and God in every act of the soul. The simplest person who in his integrity worships God becomes God; yet forever and ever the influx of this better and universal self is new and unsearchable.

  • Emerson

… water welling up to eternal life.

  • John 4:14

‘The Everlasting is shapeless, birthless, breathless, mindless, above everything, outside everything, inside everything.

  • Mundaka Upanishad

2022 (#173) : Malaguzzi , Bettelheim , Emerson , Deuteronomy , Mathew , Jung , John Ashbery , Sri Atmananda , Bhagavad Gita , Job , Nietzsche

We need to define the role of the adult, not as a transmitter but as a creator of relationships — relationships not only between people but also between things, between thoughts, with the environment.

  • Malaguzzi

Just because his life is often bewildering to him, the child needs even more to be given the chance to understand himself in this complex world with which he must learn to cope. To be able to do so, the child must be helped to make some coherent sense out of the turmoil of his feelings. He needs ideas on how to bring his inner house into order, and on that basis be able to create order in his life. He needs—and this hardly requires emphasis at this moment in our history—a moral education which subtly, and by implication only, conveys to him the advantages of moral behavior, not through abstract ethical concepts but through
that which seems tangibly right and therefore meaningful to him.

  • Bettelheim

You admire this tower of granite, weathering the hurts of so many ages. Yet a little waving hand built this huge wall, and that which builds is better than that which is built. The hand that built can topple it down much faster. Better than the hand, and nimbler, was the invisible thought which wrought through it; and thus ever, behind the coarse effect, is a fine cause, which, being narrowly seen, is itself the effect of a finer cause.

  • Emerson

I only want to pass through.

  • Deuteronomy

If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.

  • Mathew

since Christ, as a man, corresponds to the ego,and, as God, to the Self, he is at once both ego and self, part and whole.

  • Jung

love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.

  • Mathew

 The reason it happened only since

You woke up is letting the steam disappear 

From those clouds when the landscape all around

Is hilly sites that will have to be reckoned

Into the total for there to be more air

  • John Ashbery

He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

  • Mathew

When water is realized, wave and sea vanish. What appeared as two is thus realized as one.

  • Sri Atmananda

Then Adonai spoke to you out of the fire! You heard the sound of words but saw no shape, there was only a voice.

  • Deuteronomy

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

  • Mathew

Content with whatever gain comes of its own accord, and free from envy, they are beyond the dualities of life. Being equipoised in success and failure, they are not bound by their actions, even while performing all kinds of actions.

  • Bhagavad Gita

He does great, unsearchable things,

  • Job 9:10

Looking Back.  We seldom become conscious of the real pathos of any period of life as such, as long as we continue in it, but always think it is the only possible and reasonable thing for us henceforth, and that it is altogether ethos and not pathos to speak and distinguish like the Greeks.  A few notes of music to day recalled a winter and a house, and a life of utter solitude to my mind, and at the same time the sentiments in which I then lived: I thought I should be able to live in such a state always.  But now I understand that it was entirely pathos and passion, something comparable to this painfully bold and truly comforting music, it is not one’s lot to have these sensations for years, still less for eternities: otherwise one would become too “ethereal” for this planet.

  • Nietzsche

2022 (#172) : Malaguzzi , Heidegger , Emerson , John Ashbery , Numbers , Tao Te Ching , Deuteronomy , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Mathew , Nietzsche , John , Derrida

The con-
sideration of personality, the development of human
potentialities must become the centre of education.

  • Malaguzzi

Teaching is more difficult than learning because
what teaching calls for is this: to let learn.

  • Heidegger

An environment that grows out of
your relationship with the child is unique and fluid.

  • Malaguzzi

Thoughts come into our minds by avenues which we never voluntarily opened. Character teaches over our head.

  • Emerson

The feeling in between the chapters, like fins.

There is so much they must say, and it is important

About all the swimming motions, and the way the hands

Came up out of the ocean with original fronds,

  • John Ashbery

in Eilim were twelve springs and seventy palm trees, so they camped there. 

  • Numbers

the heavy is the root of the light. The unmoved is the source of all movement.

  • Tao Te Ching

 ‘You have lived long enough by this mountain.

  • Deuteronmony

When the words are spoken, there is silence. When the relative is over, the absolute remains. The silence before the words were spoken, is it different from the silence that comes after? The silence is one and without it the words could not have been heard. It is always there — at the back of the words. Shift your attention from words to silence and you will hear it.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.

  • Mathew

The life of man is a self-evolving circle, which, from a ring imperceptibly small, rushes on all sides outwards to new and larger circles, and that without end. 

  • Emerson

Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. 

  • Mathew

And this deep power in which we exist, and whose beatitude is all accessible to us, is not only self-sufficing and perfect in every hour, but the act of seeing and the thing seen, the seer and the spectacle, the subject and the object, are one.

  • Emerson

they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.

  • Mathew

doctrine of the ‘eternal return’, which is to say the unconditional and
infinitely repeated cycle of all things – this is Zarathustra’s doctrine, but
ultimately it is nothing Heraclitus couldn’t have said too. At least the
Stoics have traces of it, and they inherited almost all of their fundamental
ideas from Heraclitus. –

  • Nietzsche

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

  • Mathew

Attachment destroys courage. The giver is always ready to give. The taker is absent. Freedom means letting go. People just do not care to let go everything. They do not know that the finite is the price of the infinite, as death is the price of immortality. Spiritual maturity lies in the readiness to let go everything. The giving up is the first step. But the real giving up is in realising that there is nothing to give up, for nothing is your own. It is like deep sleep — you do not give up your bed when you fall sleep — you just forget it.

  • Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Blessed are the merciful,
    for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
    for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
    for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

  • Mathew

The one thing which we seek with insatiable desire is to forget
ourselves, to be surprised out of our propriety, to lose our sempiternal memory and to do something without knowing how or
why: in short to create a new circle.

  • Emerson

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

  • John 15:7

That which returns is the constant affirmation, the “yes, yes”. That which signs here is in the form of a return, which is to say it has the form of something that cannot be simple. It is a selective return without negativity, or which reduces negativity through affirmation, through alliance or marriage (hymen), that is, through an affirmation that is also binding on the other or that enters into a pact with itself as other.

  • Derrida


Attachment destroys courage. The giver is always ready to give. The taker is absent. Freedom means letting go. People just do not care to let go everything. They do not know that the finite is the price of the infinite, as death is the price of immortality. Spiritual maturity lies in the readiness to let go everything. The giving up is the first step. But the real giving up is in realising that there is nothing to give up, for nothing is your own. It is like deep sleep — you do not give up your bed when you fall sleep — you just forget it.