2024 (#122) : Walt Whitman , Eric Neumann , I Ching , John Ashbery , Paramhansa Yogananda , Book of Kings , Derrida , Nietzsche , Mashal / Proverbs , Gospel of Luke , Mundaka Upanishad , Sri Ramana Maharshi , Jung

Of Life immense in passion, pulse, and power,
Cheerful, for freest action form’d under the laws divine

---Walt Whitman

They are matriarchal ancestors

— Eric Neumann

the right way of
conducting oneself. Heaven, the father, is above, and the lake, the youngest daughter, is below.
----I Ching

a globe like ours, resting
On a pedestal of vacuum, a ping-pong ball
Secure on its jet of water

---- John Ashbery

the heart opens only to the human chant of being.

---Paramhansa Yogananda 

“Because your heart was responsive”


upon something

---I Ching

That which returns is the constant affirmation, the “yes, yes”. That which signs here is in the form of a return

---- Derrida
We strolled to the inviting sunshine at the entrance,

--- Paramhansa Yogananda

It is a selective return without negativity, or which reduces negativity through affirmation, through alliance or marriage (hymen)

--- Derrida
The small and cheerful treads upon the large and 

---I Ching
Owing to the nature of animal consciousness.
the world of which we can become conscious is only a surface and sign-world

--- Nietzsche

ineradicable patterns of spiritual living

----Paramhansa Yogananda

From the fruit of their lips people enjoy good things

—Proverbs / Mashal

behaves with decorum

---I Ching
The sounds of your greeting

—- Luke

I sighed with relief and doubled my pace

----Paramhansa Yogananda

We shall have more to say of the yawning depths from which the magic incantation rises up, and of the twilight state of consciousness.

---- Eric Neumann

Pleasant manners succeed

---I Ching

 For now it will suffice to mention the connection between the fertility of the womb, death, sexuality, and magic in the numinous image

—- Eric Neumann

the youth rejoined me

----Paramhansa Yogananda

 beyond learning, beyond everything, better than anything; living, unliving. ‘It is the undying blazing Spirit, that seed of all seeds, wherein lay hidden the world and all its creatures

---- Mundaka Upanishad

if inner worth forms the 
criterion of external rank, people acquiesce and order reigns in society

---I Ching

 I entered the house and was ushered into a commodious parlor

----Paramhansa Yogananda

Atman is realized with mruta manas [dead mind], that is, mind devoid of thoughts and turned inward. Then the mind sees its own source and becomes that [the Self].

--- Sri Ramana Maharshi

The situation is one in which we are still not bound by any obligations of 
social intercourse. If our conduct is simple, we remain free of them We can
quietly follow our predilections as long as we are content and make not
demands on people.

---I Ching

He can give the natural perfume of any flower

----Paramhansa Yogananda

If he can be content with simplicity, 
he can make progress without blame.

---I Ching

make a person's skin exude delightful fragrance

----Paramhansa Yogananda

a man who is good at his 
work is content to behave simply

---I Ching

Would you like some perfume?"

----Paramhansa Yogananda

When he attains his goal, he does something worth 

---I Ching

"To experience the miraculous way of enjoying perfumes."

----Paramhansa Yogananda

Since he is content and does not challenge 
fate, he remains free of entanglements.

---I Ching

My own purpose is to demonstrate the power of God

----Paramhansa Yogananda

.It is not as the subject perceiving an object.When the room is dark a lamp is necessary to illumine and eyes to cognise objects. But when the sun has risen there is no need of a lamp to see objects.

---- Sri Ramana Maharshi 

Caution and circumspection
Lead ultimately to good fortune

---I Ching

manifest some of His infinite creative variety

----Paramhansa Yogananda

The cosmic mind, being not limited by the ego, has nothing separate from itself and is therefore only aware. This is what the Bible means by ‘I am that I am’

--- Sri Ramana Maharshi

one is sure of ultimate success, 
which consists in achieving one's purpose, that is, in overcoming danger by
going forward

---I Ching

I silently placed the astrally scented blossom under her

----Paramhansa Yogananda

That which you need comes from yourself, namely the meaning of the event. The meaning of events is not their particular meaning. This meaning exists in learned books. Events have no meaning.
The meaning of events is the way of salvation that you create.
---- Jung

Look to your conduct and weigh the favorable signs.
When everything is fulfilled, supreme good fortune comes.

---I Ching

subtle life forces or finer-than-atomic energies intelligently charged
with the five distinctive sensory idea-substances.

---Paramhansa Yogananda

The work is ended. If we want to know whether good fortune will follow, we 
must look back upon our conduct and its consequences.

---I Ching

we arrived at the right house

---- Paramhansa Yogananda

The impure mind which functions as thinking and forgetting, alone is samsara, which is the cycle of birth and death. The real ‘I’ in which the activity of thinking and forgetting has perished, alone is the pure liberation. It is devoid of pramada [forgetfulness of Self] which is the cause of birth and death.

---- Sri Ramana Maharshi

who dwells in righteousness among his fellow men, who buys and sells, yet is never for
a single instant forgetful of God

---- I Ching

thankful to be invited into the parlor

---Paramhansa Yogananda

 No one knows himself. It is only by the 
consequences of his actions, by the fruit of his labors, that a man can judge
what he is to expect.

----I Ching

Then I had a second vision: I saw a merry garden, in which forms walked clad in white silk, all covered in colored light, some reddish, the others blueish and greenish.

---- Jung

A hint of dovelike and tigerlike qualities

----Paramhansa Yogananda

‘Shining, yet hidden, Spirit lives in the cavern. Everything that sways, breathes, opens, closes, lives in Spirit

---- Mundaka Upanishad

2024 (#121) I Ching , Bereshit / Genesis , Parahamsa Yogananda , Derrida , Gospel of John , Bhagavad Gita , Winnicott , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Montessori . Gospel of Mark , Book of Ezekiel , Bettelheim , Gospel of Mathew , Ecclesiastes , Gospel of Luke , ee cummings , Malaguzzi , Emerson

 When things are worthy of careful attention, surely people will draw close together Thus, after Watching, closing together follows.    

—- I Ching

Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.  As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar [Babylonia] and settled there.

—- Bereshit / Genesis

  A Christlike miracle

—-  Parahamsa Yogananda 

 I am trying out my voice, looking for the right tone, as in an experiment prior to beginning this idiomatic conjunction …

—- Derrida

  The two persons are kneeling on the floor face to face. One is the diviner, the other is the inquirer.

—-I Ching

Jesus went on to say, “In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me.”

—- John 

  the Divine was fully blazing

—-   Parahamsa Yogananda

“I will thus attempt to resist once more the impulse toward or expectation of position taking. To those who are waiting for me to take a position so they can reach a decision [arreter leur jugement], I say, ‘Good Luck.’ ”

—- Derrida

the movement of bringing two parts together 

—-I Ching

peaceful and steadfast in their devotion to God

—- Bhagavad Gita

  ‘the Illuminator of the cosmos is in you. I pray you to bring His light into my eyes, that I perceive the sun’s lesser glow.’  

—- Parahamsa Yogananda

For me the meaning of playing has taken on a new colour since I
have followed up the theme of transitional phenomena, tracing
these in all their subtle developments

—- Winnicott

Only through eradicating the obstruction can the high and the low-people from all walks of life-come together in harmony and understanding.   

—-I Ching

In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.

—- John

 ‘The splendor of the sun shall have a special dawn for you.’  

—- Parahamsa Yogananda

right from the early use of
a transitional object or technique to the ultimate stages of a
human being’s capacity for cultural experience.

— Winnicott

Prosperous and smooth 

—I Ching

Learn to look without imagination, to listen without distortion: that is all. Stop attributing names and shapes to the essentially nameless and formless, realize that every mode of perception is subjective, that what is seen or heard, touched or smelt, felt or thought, expected or imagined, is in the mind and not in reality, and you will experience peace and freedom from fear.

—- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

  the fair face of nature

—–   Parahamsa Yogananda

It is a subconscious vital force which urges the
child to do certain things and in the normally growing
child its unhindered activity is manifested in what we
call * joy of life ‘. The child is enthusiastic, always

— Montessori

Thunder and lightning are united and man feasts on their brilliance. 

—-I Ching

one must think of play in another way. Indeed, this is what I am trying to do within what is already a tradition-that of Nietzsche, for example-but one which also has its genealogy

—- Derrida

  the devotionally ploughed soil

—-   Parahamsa Yogananda

 full of grace and truth.

— John

he is sentimental 

—I Ching

Having realized the Self/Atman as the enjoyer of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all the worlds and the selfless Friend of all living beings, you attain peace.

—- Bhagavad Gita

  By perfection of resistless surrender

—-   Parahamsa Yogananda

 Now when the centurion who stood facing him saw that in this way he breathed his last …. 

—- Mark

work hard on self-control and be upright 

—I Ching

your builders made perfect your beauty

—- Ezekiel

  enabled the Prime Healing Power to flow freely

—-   Parahamsa Yogananda

Now the scene shifts. The king who rules in this part of the world has a daughter who is unable to smile. Her father promises to marry her to the man who can make her merry.

— Bettelheim

one should act as firm as metal and as straight as an arrow 

—I Ching

  they made your oars

—- Ezekiel

  the silent spiritual awakenings

—   Parahamsa Yogananda

that a woman took and mixed

—- Mathew

work hard and remain upright 

—I Ching

all the ships of the sea with their mariners were in you

—- Ezekiel

  the brotherhood of man stands revealed

—-   Parahamsa Yogananda

to water the forest of growing trees.

—- Ecclesiastes

the executive is kind and gentle 

—I Ching

to give light to those who sit in darkness

—- Luke

  An aghast humility follows this leveling discovery.

—-   Parahamsa Yogananda

and wonderfully i fell through the green groove

— ee cummings

the color of Earth is yellow, representing a central place 

—I Ching

blue and purple from the coasts

—- Ezekiel

  ripens into compassion for one’s fellows

—-  Parahamsa Yogananda

Children have to feel that the world is inside the
school and moves and thinks

—- Malaguzzi

act appropriately without overdoing or insufficiency 

—I Ching

    they were your pilots

— Ezekiel

  healing potencies of the soul awaiting exploration

—-   Parahamsa Yogananda

 It is
only through freedom and by experiences upon the

— Montessori

Be steadfast

—-I Ching

to guide our feet into the way of peace

—- Luke

 The love of God flowers on such soil.

—   Parahamsa Yogananda

much is possible and excellent that was not thought of.

—- Emerson

Eradicating alternates to Taking Action

—- I Ching 

the child grew and became strong in spirit

— Luke

  into the Infinite Presence

—-   Parahamsa Yogananda

2024 (#120) : I Ching , Gospel of Luke , Paramhansa Yogananda , Genesis / Bereshit , Book of Job , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Nietzsche , Roland Barthes , Derrida , Gospel of John , Book of Ezekiel

  dredging a channel to eliminate the overflow of a river

— I Ching

To show the mercy promised

—– Luke

  I went to his home the next morning and unearthed a marked timetable

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

making a resolution

—- I Ching

  the irresistibility of his divine magnetism

—-    Paramhansa Yogananda 

the birds, however, he did not cut in half.

—- Genesis/Bereshit

casting aside hesitation   

—-I Ching

   All the movements of his slight body were marked by a restful deliberation.

—–    Paramhansa Yogananda 

and the birds in the air — they will tell you

—- Job

  . It is time for the righteous to eliminate the inferior forces and their influences through an act of resolution.

—I Ching

You can observe the observation, but not the observer. You know you are the ultimate observer by direct insight, not by a logical process based on observation.

—- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj 

  Ever gentle and loving, he was firmly established in the infinite consciousness

—-   Paramhansa Yogananda 

 influences are blending together and growing stronger   

—-I Ching

speak to the earth — it will teach you —

—- Job

  His eyes sparkled and danced with the joy of the Divine.

—–   Paramhansa Yogananda 

  It is a resolution to eliminate something.

—-I Ching

  peering through the inner telescopic orb into a sphere of eternal bliss

—-   Paramhansa Yogananda 

Strong and joyous. Eliminate with harmony. 

—I Ching

a continual ascent as on stairs and at
the same time a sense of resting on clouds

—- Nietzsche

  Occasionally his gaze would focus on a student in need of help; healing words poured then like an avalanche of light

—–   Paramhansa Yogananda 

Favorable to have somewhere to go. After the firms grow, the elimination will be ended 

—-    I Ching

  all writing is itself this special voice, consisting of several indiscernible voices, and that literature is precisely the invention of this voice, to which we cannot assign a specific origin

—- Roland Barthes

  An indescribable peace blossomed within me

—-   Paramhansa Yogananda 

  The superior person bestows his wealth upon those below And considers not his own merits  

—-I Ching

To divide and particularise is in the mind’s very nature. There is no harm in dividing. But separation goes against fact. Things and people are different, but they are not separate. Nature is one, reality is one. There is no opposition.

—- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

   from a lotus of infinity

—-   Paramhansa Yogananda 

hospitality is, must be, owes itself to be, inconceivable and incomprehensible …”

—- Derrida

  He obtains the central path

—-  I Ching

I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.

—- John

  a living temple of God whose secret doors were open to all disciples through devotion  

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

  eliminate the dark forces

—I Ching

Owing to the nature of animal consciousness.
the world of which we can become conscious is only a surface and sign-world, a world that is made common and meaner

—- Nietzsche

  Foam of words and spray of thoughts gushed from the fountain of his omniscience.

—-   Paramhansa Yogananda 

. It is better to rely on both courage and resourcefulness.   

—-I Ching

  “‘I will undergo those states, and presently tell you what I perceive.’

—-   Paramhansa Yogananda 

I understand that the place I am now occupying will not be left out of the exhibit or withdrawn from the scene.

—- Derrida

  there is no reason to fear

—-I Ching

to give light to those who sit in darkness

—- Luke

  ‘Please expound the holy stanzas as the meaning occurs to you.’

—-   Paramhansa Yogananda 

able to mold his firmness with gentleness and temper his strength with wisdom 

—-I Ching

Nor do I intend to withhold even that which I shall call, to save time, an autobiographical demonstration, although I must ask you to shift its sense a little and to listen to it with another ear.

—- Derrida

   ‘Win conviction of God’s presence

—-   Paramhansa Yogananda 

He pursues the middle course. 

—–    I Ching

Your borders are in the heart of the seas

—- Ezekiel

  the omnipotent God, hidden in all men, became visibly incarnated in the flesh

—-   Paramhansa Yogananda 

2024 (#119) : I Ching , Prashna Upanishad , Paramhansa Yogananda , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Bhagavad Gita, Eric Neumann , Gospel of Luke , Book of Ezekiel , Derrida , Gospel of John , Sri Ramana Maharshi , Munkaka Upanishad

the strong leadership that must come from the head

--- I Ching

‘Life! Creator, Protector, Destroyer! Sun in heavenly circuit! Master of stars!

—- Prashna Upanishad

'The Beloved Mother is taking care of me.'

---- Paramhansa Yogananda

Live your life intelligently, with the interests of your deepest Self always in mind. After all, what do you really want? Not perfection; you are already perfect. What you seek is to express in action what you are. For this you have a body and a mind.

--- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj 

the symbol of the wind created by fire

----I Ching
Whenever and wherever the restless and unsteady mind wanders, one should bring it back and continually focus it on God.

---- Bhagavad Gita

 a pious ejaculation; his experience had obviously moved him beyond
his usual depths

---- Paramhansa Yogananda

The primordial ocean is a uroboric snake encompassing the earth that is born of it

—- Eric Neumann

The perseverance of the woman furthers.

---I Ching
Do not fight with what you take to be obstacles on your way. Just be interested in them, watch them, observe, enquire.

---- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj 

"You cannot work out your past karma without worldly experiences."

---- Paramhansa Yogananda

the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom 

—- Luke

faithfulness to duty

---I Ching
“Son of man, take a stick and write on it”

—- Ezekiel 

I felt a tremendous power flowing from his calm

---- Paramhansa Yogananda

 This revitalization, as we have already seen, must first of all pass by way of the tongue, that is, by way of the exercise of the tongue or language, the treatment of its body, the mouth and the ear …

---- Derrida

“I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. "

--- John

Heat creates energy: this is signified by the wind stirred up by the fire and 
issuing forth form it

---I Ching

One buries or burns what is already dead so that life, the living feminine, will be reborn and regenerated from these ashes. The vitalist theme degeneration/regeneration is active and central throughout


the Lord tells me to assure you

----Paramhansa Yogananda

Abhyasa [spiritual practice] consists in withdrawal within the Self/Atman every time you are disturbed by thought. It is not concentration or destruction of the mind but withdrawal into the Self/Atman.

--- Sri Ramana Maharshi

one's words must have power, and 
this they can have only if they are based on something real

---I Ching

Great transcendental happiness comes to the yogi whose mind is calm, whose passions are subdued, who is without regret or worry, and who sees everything in connection with God.

---- Bhagavad Gita

I smiled happily at this decisive message.

--- Paramhansa Yogananda

 Having approached from everywhere that which is everywhere, whole, he passes into the Whole.

--- Mundaka Upanishad Book 3

As a king he approaches his family.
Fear not.
Good fortune.

----I Ching

When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was a garden, and he and his disciples went into it.

---- John

My saintly
guide raised his hand in blessing and slowly departed.

---- Paramhansa Yogananda

You go on pilgrimages so that good should happen to you as an individual. But you are not an individual, you are the manifest world. That ‘you are’ means the entire world, whatever manifestation you enjoy is universal.

---- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj 

2024 (#118) : I Ching , Bereshit / Genesis , Paramhansa Yogananda , Gospel of Luke , Tehillim / Psalms , Vivian Paley , Emerson , Nietzsche , Book of Ezekiel , Gospel of John , Eric Neumann , Heidegger , Howard Gardner

a break-through after a long 
accumulation of tension, as a swollen river breaks through its dikes, or in the 
manner of a cloudburst
----I Ching

And Elohim said, Let there be light: and there was light

—- Bereshit/Genesis 

Immeasurably uplifted, I returned to my home.

---- Paramhansa Yogananda

 וַיֹּ֥אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֖ים יְהִ֣י א֑וֹר וַֽיְהִי־אֽוֹthe heavens opened

—- Luke

the time when inferior people gradually begin to disappear. Their 
influence is on the wane; as a result of resolute action, a change in conditions 
occurs, a break-through

----I Ching
you created my inmost being

—- Tehillim/Psalms

bestowal of the infinite gift

---- Paramhansa Yogananda 

The Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove

—- Luke

BREAK-THROUGH. One must resolutely make the matter known
        At the court of the king.
        It must be announced truthfully. Danger.
        It is necessary to notify one's own city.
        It does not further to resort to arms.
        It furthers one to undertake something.

---I Ching

We do more than tell our stories; we also act them out. The formal storytelling
and acting that often arise out of and run parallel to the children’s fantasy play
have become a central feature of our day. 

—- Vivian Paley

a life of unbroken communion with the Beloved

----  Paramhansa Yogananda 

resolution must be 
based on a union of strength and friendliness

----I Ching

if we will not interfere with our thought , but will act entirely, or see how the thing stands in God, we know the particular thing and everything and every man> for the maker of all things and all persons stands behind us and casts his omniscience through us over things.

—- Emerson

I delivered Father's letter, which
my companion read under a street lamp.

---- Paramhansa Yogananda

the voluptuousness of a triumphant gratitude that
eventually still has to inscribe itself in cosmic letters on the
heaven of concepts

—- Nietzsche

The lake has risen up to heaven:
The image of BREAK-THROUGH.
Thus the superior man
Dispenses riches downward
And refrains from resting on his virtue.

---I Ching
Speak to the birds of every sort and to all beasts of the field

—- Ezekiel

In deep meditation, the first experience of Spirit is on the altar of the spine, and then in the brain. The torrential
bliss is overwhelming, but the yogi learns to control its outward manifestations

---- Paramhansa Yogananda 

led by the Spirit in the wilderness

— Luke

If a man were to pile up riches for himself alone, without 
considering others, he would certainly experience a collapse.

----I Ching
a great sacrificial feast upon the mountains

—- Ezekiel

The amulet, like a spiritual yeast, was silently at work
within me.

----  Paramhansa Yogananda 

streams of living water will flow from within him

—- John 

the superior man begins to distribute while he is accumulating

---I Ching
sometimes represented as a “pregnant woman with protruding breasts”

-— Eric Neumann

I gave utterance to a few of
my glorious anticipations

--- Paramhansa Yogananda 

remain receptive to impressions by help of strict 
and continuous self-examination

---I Ching
Teaching is more difficult than learning because
what teaching calls for is this: to let learn. The real teacher,
in fact, lets nothing else be learned than-learning.

—- Heidegger

experience the trance of
cosmic consciousness

--- Paramhansa Yogananda 

Readiness is everything. Resolution is indissolubly bound up with caution.

----I Ching
Through the transparent darkness the stars
pour their almost spiritual rays. And under them seems a young
child, and his huge globe a toy. The cool night bathes the world
as with a river, and prepares his eyes again for the crimson dawn. The mystery of nature was never displayed more happily.

—- Emerson

Our flesh will be charged with such magnetism

---- Paramhansa Yogananda 

It was beautiful in its greatness,
    in the length of its branches;
for its roots went down
    to abundant waters

—- Ezekiel 

The superior 
man is on his guard against what is not yet in sight and on the alert for what 
is not yet within hearing; therefore he dwells in the midst of difficulties as 
though they did not exist.

----I Ching
a light for revelation

—- Luke

my inward mirth reached a zenith

---- Paramhansa Yogananda 

We should use kids’ positive states to draw them into learning in the
domains where they can develop competencies

— Howard Gardner

 If a man develops his character, people submit to 
him of their own accord.

----I Ching
the primordial water, spatial infinity, the dark- ness before the creation of the heavenly bodies, and impenetrable mystery

—- Eric Neumann

an expression of blithe satisfaction

---- Paramhansa Yogananda 

Come from the four winds, O breath

—- Ezekiel 

The majestic
mountains loomed invitingly in the distance.

---- Paramhansa Yogananda 

thoughts from many hearts may be revealed

—- Luke

2024 (#117) : I Ching , Bhagavad Gita , Paramhansa Yogananda , Wallace Stevens , Gospel of Luke , Daniel Goleman , Chandogya Upanishad , Nietzsche , Lacan , Eric Neumann , Mashal / Proverbs , Sri Ramana Maharshi , Wilhelm Reich , Book of Jeremiah , Book of Revelation , Montessori , Gospel of Mathew , Malaguzzi , Vivian Paley , Gospel of Luke , Roland Barthes

the spring rising at the foot of the mountain
--- I Ching

And Arjuna saw in that radiance the whole universe in its variety, standing in a vast unity in the body of the God of gods.

----Bhagavad Gita

 your voice
rang with iron resolve as you spoke of going to the Himalayas in quest of the Divine

---Paramhansa Yogananda

A pool shines,
Like a bracelet
Shaken in a dance

—- Wallace Stevens

Water is something 
that of necessity flows on

---- I Ching
Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning

---- Luke

a vibration of great peace

----Paramhansa Yogananda

Good moods, while they last, enhance the ability to think flexibly
and with more complexity, thus making it easier to find solutions to
problems, whether intellectual or interpersonal. This suggests that one
way to help someone think through a problem is to tell them a joke..

—- Daniel Goleman

When the spring gushes forth, it does not know at 
first where it will go. But its steady flow fills up the deep place blocking its
progress, and success is attained.

---- I Ching

Have you asked for that knowledge whereby what is not heard is heard, what is not thought is thought, and what is not known is known?

----Chandogya Upanishad

invisibly guiding my steps.

---Paramhansa Yogananda

Indicating the power and confidence obtained by showing that ‘I’ve unlearned fear’; in place of mistrust and doubt, trust our instincts; each person loving and honoring himself or herself in wisdom and even absurdity; partly as a fool, partly as a god

--- Nietzsche

The young fool seeks me.

--- I Ching

this homage to take as it may please him

---- Lacan

traveled far on the
wings of his amulet

----Paramhansa Yogananda

sometimes she has the body of a woman and the head of a cow, and then she holds in her right hand a scepter round which is twined the stalk of a lotus flower, which she appears to be smelling

—- Eric Neumann

the youth himself must be conscious of his 
lack of experience and must seek out the teacher

---- I Ching

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.

--- Mashal / Proverbs

"Baba anand (bliss to my dear one)."

---Paramhansa Yogananda

 the soul or jiva subjected
to the threefold activity of creation, preservation and destruction,
which takes place merely due to the unique Presence of the
Supreme Lord, performs acts in accordance with its karma, and
subsides to rest after such activity.

—- Sri Ramana Maharshi

the necessary receptivity

---- I Ching

At one and the same time, the motor component of pleasure is experienced passively and the sensation is actively perceived.

---- Wilhelm Reich

a pension of fathomless peace

---Paramhansa Yogananda

Say that the palms are clear in the total blue.
Are clear and are obscure; that it is night;
That the moon shines.

—- Wallace Stevens

the teacher must wait to be sought out instead of offering himself

--- I Ching

But you, gird up your loins; arise

---- Jeremiah 

 My idle gaze took in his
wooden sandals, lying under the platform seat. 

---Paramhansa Yogananda

Laughing, like elation, seems to help people think more broadly and
associate more freely, noticing relationships that might have eluded
them otherwise—a mental skill important not just in creativity, but in
recognizing complex relationships and foreseeing the consequences of
a given decision.

—-Daniel Goleman

a key 
for resolution of doubts and a basis for decision

--- I Ching

 "And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place. And behold, I am coming soon.”
---- Revelation

the saint turned to me with a quizzical smile

----Paramhansa Yogananda
The child is endowed with an unknown power and
this unknown power guides us towards a more luminous

—- Montessori

a perseverance that never slackens until the points are 
mastered one by one, real success is sure to follow

---- I Ching

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me

---- Mathew

The subtle unity of the phenomenal world is not hidden

----Paramhansa Yogananda
Each one of us needs to be able to play with the things that are coming out of the world of children.

—- Malaguzzi

A spring wells up at the foot of the mountain

---- I Ching

I go to the Imperishable Treasure: by his grace, by his grace, by his grace.I go to the Spirit of life: by his grace, by his grace, by his grace.I go to the Spirit of the earth: by his grace, by his grace, by his grace.I go to the spirit of the air: by his grace, by his grace, by his grace.I go to the Spirit of the Heavens: by his grace, by his grace, by his grace.

---- Chandogya Upanishad

tremendous spiritual perceptions
illuminated my mind.

---Paramhansa Yogananda

one returns newborn, having shed one’s
skin, with a more delicate taste for
joy, with a tenderer tongue for all good things, with merrier
senses, with a second dangerous innocence in joy, more childlike and yet a hundred times subtler than one has ever been

—- Nietzsche

A spring succeeds in flowing on and escapes stagnation by filling up all the 
hollow places in its path.

---- I Ching

extended his hand in a benign gesture

---Paramhansa Yogananda

We do more than tell our stories; we also act them out. The formal storytelling and acting that often arise out of and run parallel to the children’s fantasy play have become a central feature of our day. 

—- Vivian Paley

character is developed by 
thoroughness that skips nothing but, like water, gradually and steadily fills up
all gaps and so flows onward

---- I Ching

Now I ceaselessly enjoy the spiritual pension.

---Paramhansa Yogananda

The primordial flood as cow, or the cow as the first living creature rising from the primordial flood, is an authentic symbol of world-creating motherhood

—- Eric Neumann

To know how to take women
Brings good fortune.
The son is capable of taking charge of the household.

--- I Ching

face was suffused with divine light

---Paramhansa Yogananda

The beams of the huge night
Converged upon its image,
Until the wind blew.

—- Wallace Stevens

take on the responsibility

---- I Ching

bestowal of the
infinite gift

---Paramhansa Yogananda
וַיֹּ֥אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֖ים יְהִ֣י א֑וֹר וַֽיְהִי־אֽוֹthe heavens opened

—- Luke

A girl owes it to her dignity to wait until she is 

---- I Ching

Brahma keeps me
continuously intoxicated

--- Paramhansa Yogananda

Linguistics has just furnished the destruction of the Author with a precious analytic instrument by showing that utterance in its entirety is a void process, which functions perfectly without requiring to be filled by the person of the interlocutors

—- Roland Barthes

2024 (#116) : I Ching , Ramana Maharshi , Paramhansa Yoganonda , Bereshit / Genesis , William Blake , Montessori , Nietzsche , Eric Neumann , Book of Ezekiel , Wallace Stevens , Gospel of Luke , Daniel Goleman , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Roland Barthes

 a bird with two bright eyes wide open

— I Ching

There is no duality. Your present knowledge is due to the ego and is only relative. Relative knowledge requires a subject and an object, whereas the awareness of the Self is absolute and requires no object. 

—-  Ramana Maharshi

  “I am Iswara. I am Light.” The voice was as murmuring clouds.  

— Paramhansa Yoganonda

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.  

Genesis / Bereshit

an image of an eye 

—- I Ching

Jesus is surrounded by Beams of Glory in which are seen all around him Infants emanating from him

—- William Blake

  a permanent legacy of inspiration to seek God

—-   Paramhansa Yoganonda

Also, in a small child of three years that mysterious
teacher which urges the child to work is still active
within him ; and when we speak of a free child (i.e., with
inner freedom) we speak of a child free to follow the
powerful guides of nature within him.

—- Montessori

a bird and a human watching attentively with their eyes wide open 

—- I Ching

the rejoicing of strength that is returning. of a reawakened
faith in a tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. of a sudden
sense and anticipation of a future, of impending adventures, of
seas that are open again, of goals that are permitted again.
believed again.

—- Nietzsche

  my gaze from the near-by parrots eating ripe margosa fruit

—-   Paramhansa Yoganonda

the flower itself is between the symbol of the South and the North and is supposed to represent the great world lotus flower, out of which rose the sun for the first time at the creation

—- Eric Neumann

watching the breath, or the flowing of energy, or nothing 

— I Ching

 the hand of the Lord was upon me,  and brought me in the visions of God

—- Ezekiel

  the explosive vibratory power in speech could be wisely directed to free one’s life from difficulties

—-   Paramhansa Yoganonda

Speak, even, as if I did not hear you speaking,
But spoke for you perfectly in my thoughts,
Conceiving words

—- Wallace Stevens

The Wind flows over the Earth. An image of Watching      

—- I Ching

he rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant and sat down

—- Luke

  I watched two kites flying over the roofs of the buildings on the opposite side of the very narrow lane.

—-   Paramhansa Yoganonda

At its best, self-observation allows just such an equanimous
awareness of passionate or turbulent feelings. At a minimum, it
manifests itself simply as a slight stepping-back from experience, a
parallel stream of consciousness that is “meta”: hovering above or
beside the main flow, aware of what is happening rather than being
immersed and lost in it

—- Daniel Goleman

  Because fish never close their eyes, the wooden fish remind one to stay alert.

—- I Ching

the cow of the western mountain, the Goddess 

—- Eric Neumann

  “I am just thinking how wonderful it is that Divine Mother gives me whatever I ask.”

—–   Paramhansa Yoganonda

There is a power in the universe working for enlightenment — and liberation. We call it Sadashiva, who is ever present in the hearts of men. It is the unifying factor.

—- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

  Those who are at the top should exercise caution in their words and deeds because they are always watched by the people below.

—- I Ching  

 Unity — liberates. Freedom — unites.

—- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj 

  A perfect loop was formed for my seizure.

—-      Paramhansa Yoganonda

Ultimately nothing is mine or yours — everything is ours. Just be one with yourself and you will be one with all, at home in the entire universe.

—- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

We know that a text  is a space of many dimensions, in which are wedded and contested various kinds of writing, no one of which is original: the text is a tissue of citations, resulting from the thousand sources of culture.

—- Roland Barthes

2024 (#115) : I Ching , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Book of Ezekiel , Gospel of John , Montessori , PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA , Eric Neumann , Malaguzzi , Emerson

apprehend the 
mysterious and divine laws of life, and by means of profoundest inner
concentration give expression to these laws in their own persons

---- I Ching
My life is a succession of events, just like yours. Only I am detached and see the passing show as a passing show. 
---- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

He was standing in the gateway.

—- Ezekiel

Make the people sit down. 
---- John

the divine 
meaning underlying the workings of the universe

---- I Ching

To stimulate life,–leaving it then free to develop, to unfold,–herein lies the first task of the educator 

——- Montessori we honored the divinity which had found full expression

---- PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA she bears the male by whom she is begotten.

-— Eric Neumann
 a transforming awe-spiring effect

---- I Ching

offering flowers dipped in fragrant sandalwood paste.

---- PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA Children love to learn among themselves --- Malaguzzi

Full of trust they look up to him.

---- I Ching To their joy, he initiated your parents in the spiritual practice of Kriya Yoga

---- PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. 

—- John contemplate the
law of heaven above and the ways of the people below

---- I Ching It is this observation which is important.

—- Montessori Will
travel a
royal road to particular knowledges and powers.

—- Emerson
A tower of this kind commanded a wide view of the country

----- I Ching

Our path took us to the edge of a tranquil field


reactions to each other in this atmosphere of
freedom that the real secret of society is revealed. 

— Montessori
Contemplation (View)


--- I Ching

We attend with infinite care to an endlessly renewed network of communication … We consider relationships to be the fundamental, energizing strategy of our educational system …

-—- Malaguzzi

a glimpse of the future


nothing could be as it is without the universe being what it is. 

---- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

2024 (#114) : I Ching , PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA , Eric Neumann , Roland Barthes , Nietzsche , Gospel of Mark , Derrida , Book of Ezekiel , Gospel of John , Montessori , Jung , Gospel of Luke

Through the crack of the door one has a limited outlook; one looks outward 
from within.
---- I Ching
"What is behind the darkness of closed eyes?" This probing thought came powerfully into my
mind. An immense flash of light at once manifested to my inward gaze.


the goddess is not merely the vessel of the Great Round; she is also the dynamic of the life contained in it.

-—- Eric Neumann

a text is a space of many dimensions, in which are wedded and contested various kinds of writing, no one of which is original: the text is a tissue of citations, resulting from the thousand sources of culture.

—- Roland Barthes

 Contemplation is subjectively limited. One tends to relate 
everything to oneself and cannot put oneself in another's place and
understand his motives.

---- I Ching
“Everything is subjective,” you say; but even this is interpretation. The subject is not something given, it is a superadded invention, stuck on to the tail. 

---- Nietzsche

He looked up and said, ‘I see people; they look like trees walking around.’

---- Mark

Hospitality — this is a name or an example of deconstruction.

---- Derrida

the power possessed by a superior personality

--- I Ching

Son of man, look with your eyes, and hear with your ears, and set your mind upon all that I shall show you, for you were brought here in order that I might show it to you

—- Ezekiel

Turning around Jesus saw them following and asked, ‘What do you want?’ … ‘What are you looking for?’ … ‘What are you seeking?’ … ‘What are you after?’ … ‘Mah tevakkeshun’ …        

----- John 

the task, the mission to which one is destined (always by the other), the commitment, the duty, the debt, the responsibility … the bond and the love which seal the marriage between the author of the ‘original’ and his own language. 

----- Derrida

a hidden spiritual power emanates from them, influencing and dominating
others without their being aware of how it happens

----I Ching

are fine and delicate facts that have to be examined
with a spiritual microscope

---- Montessori

hymen or marriage contract with the promise to produce a child whose seed will give rise to history and growth. 

--- Derrida

it carries a holy vibration


This is the creation of the new, and that redeems me.

--- Jung

the name the angel had given him

--- Luke

2024 (#113) : I Ching , Malaguzzi , PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Montessori , Bhagavad Gita , Emerson , Gospel of John , Eric Neumann , Book of Ezekiel , Jung , Derrida , William Blake , Gospel of Luke , Gospel of Mark , Nietzsche , Roland Barthes

Contemplation (View)

                THE GENTLE, WIND
                THE RECEPTIVE, EARTH
--- I Ching
We attend with infinite care to an endlessly renewed network of communication … We consider relationships to be the fundamental, energizing strategy of our educational system …

-—- Malaguzzi

I find my earliest memories covering the anachronistic features of a previous incarnation. Clear
recollections came to me of a distant life, a yogi amidst the Himalayan snows. These glimpses
of the past, by some dimensionless link, also afforded me a glimpse of the future.

No thing in existence has a particular cause; the entire universe contributes to the existence of even the smallest thing; nothing could be as it is without the universe being what it is. 
---- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

both contemplating and being seen, in the sense 
of being an example

--- I Ching
It is by studying the behaviour of these children
and their reactions to each other in this atmosphere of
freedom that the real secret of society is revealed. 

— Montessori

Our path took us to the edge of a tranquil field, where the rays of the late afternoon sun were still
crowning the tall ripple of the wild grass. We paused in admiration.

by the grace of God finds the joy of God 
---- Bhagavad Gita

A tower of this kind commanded a wide view of the country; at the same 
time, when situated on a mountain, it became a landmark that could be seen 
for miles around.

---- I Ching
and the heart which abandons itself to the Supreme
Mind finds itself related to all its works, and will travel a
royal road to particular knowledges and powers.

—- Emerson

I will take my wife and ask this master to initiate us in his spiritual path. Will
you guide us to him?'


These schools, therefore, are thought
of as laboratories for psychological research, although
it is not really research, but observation that is carried
out. It is this observation which is important.

—- Montessori

contemplate the 
law of heaven above and the ways of the people below

---- I Ching
“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. 

—- John 

To their joy, he initiated your parents in the spiritual practice of Kriya Yoga

Carry on your entertainment, but don’t be under the misapprehension
that you are doing anything.

— Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

CONTEMPLATION. The ablution has been made, 
        But not yet the offering.
        Full of trust they look up to him.

---- I Ching
Children love to learn among themselves, and they learn things that it would never be possible to learn from interactions with an adult.


Many a morning and evening found Mother and me meditating before an improvised shrine,
offering flowers dipped in fragrant sandalwood paste.

When thy mind, that may be wavering in the contradictions of many scriptures, shall rest unshaken in divine contemplation, then the goal of Yoga is thine. 
---- Bhagavad Gita

If piety is sincere and expressive of real faith, the 
contemplation of it has a transforming awe-spiring effect on those who 
witness it.

---- I Ching
To stimulate life,–leaving it then free to develop, to unfold,–herein lies the first task of the educator 

——- Montessori 

With frankincense and myrrh as well as our
united devotions, we honored the divinity which had found full expression

Like all primordial mothers, she is, in the mythical paradox, her father’s mother and her son’s daughter; that is to say, she bears the male by whom she is begotten.

-— Eric Neumann

Contemplation of the divine 
meaning underlying the workings of the universe gives to the man who is 
called upon to influence others the means of producing like effects

---- I Ching
When he brought me there, behold, there was a man, whose appearance was like bronze, with a line of flax and a measuring reed in his hand; and he was standing in the gateway.

—- Ezekiel

My life is a succession of events, just like yours. Only I am detached and see the passing show as a passing show. 
---- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Make the people sit down. 
---- John 

His picture had a surpassing influence over my life. As I grew, the thought of the master grew
with me. In meditation I would often see his photographic image emerge from its small frame
and, taking a living form, sit before me. 

When something long since passed away comes back again in a changed world, it is new.

—- Jung

“Believe me when I say that I am in God and God is in me”

—- John

apprehend the 
mysterious and divine laws of life, and by means of profoundest inner 
concentration give expression to these laws in their own persons

---- I Ching
The interaction between children is a very fertile and a very rich relationship. If it is left to ferment without adult interference and without that excessive assistance that we sometimes give, then it’s more advantageous to the child

—- Malaguzzi

I frequently prayed to him in moments of trial or confusion, finding within
me his solacing direction.

No step is lost on this path, and no dangers are found. And even a little progress is freedom from fear. 
----Bhagavad Gita

a hidden spiritual power emanates from them, influencing and dominating 
others without their being aware of how it happens

----I Ching
the question of its origin was immediately the question of its end. Its history is constructed like the ruin of a monument which basically never existed. It is the history of a ruin, the narrative of a memory which produces the event to be told and which will never have been present.

---- Derrida
The Divine Vision still was seen 
---- William Blake

"Why come to view my bones and flesh, when I am
ever within range of your kutastha (spiritual sight)?"


I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see how the fields are already white with harvest. 
---- John 

He who is beyond time – is the un-nameable. A glowing ember moved round and round quickly enough appears as a glowing circle. When the movement ceases, the ember remains. Similarly, the ‘I am’ in movement creates the world. The ‘I am’ at peace becomes the Absolute. 

---- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The wind blows over the earth:
        The image of CONTEMPLATION.
        Thus the kings of old visited the regions of the world,
        Contemplated the people,
        And gave them instruction.

--- I Ching

I sent you to harvest a crop that you did not work for. Others did the work, and you get the profit from their work. 

One sees him in a vision of wonder, and another gives us words of his wonder. 
---- Bhagavad Gita 

I gazed at his photograph and saw there a blinding light, enveloping my body and the entire


‘We know he is our son’, the parents answered, and we know he was born blind. But how he can see now, or who opened his eyes, we don’t know. Ask him.’ 
---- John

and this openness opens the unity, renders it possible, and forbids it totality. Its openness allows receiving and giving.
 ---- Derrida

When the wind blows over the earth it goes far and wide, and the grass must 
bend to its power

--- I Ching
The wind blows (breathes) where it wills; and though you hear its sound, yet you neither know where it comes from nor where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.

---- John 

from within or from behind a light shines through us upon things , and makes us aware that we are nothing, but the light is all.—- Emerson
“form of the primeval abyss which brought forth the light,” and whose name means “the father of fathers, the mother of mothers, who hath existed from the beginning and is the creator of the world.”

—- Eric Neumann

I realized that she too had witnessed the luminous blaze


I tell you the truth: before our journey is complete, you will see the heavens standing open while heavenly messengers ascend and descend, swirling around the Son of Man.---- John He who learns in contemplation the holy words of our discourse, the light of his vision is his adoration. This is my truth. 

---- Bhagavad Gita

Because the “I Am” principle is there, it is moving all over.

—– Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

the power possessed by a superior personality

--- I Ching

On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he had been conceived.

---- Luke

This is the creation of the new, and that redeems me. Salvation is the resolution of the task. The task is to give birth to the old in a new time.

—- Jung

 it carries a holy vibration


it is what I have called the translation contract: hymen or marriage contract with the promise to produce a child whose seed will give rise to history and growth. 

---- Derrida

are fine and delicate facts that have to be examined
with a spiritual microscope, but they are of the utmost
interest since they reveal facts inherent in the very
nature of man.

 —- Montessori

  Contemplation through the crack of the door.
Furthering for the perseverance of a woman.

--- I Ching

Son of man, look with your eyes, and hear with your ears, and set your mind upon all that I shall show you, for you were brought here in order that I might show it to you

—- Ezekiel

Turning around Jesus saw them following and asked, ‘What do you want?’ … ‘What are you looking for?’ … ‘What are you seeking?’ … ‘What are you after?’ … ‘Mah tevakkeshun’ …        

----- John 

the task, the mission to which one is destined (always by the other), the commitment, the duty, the debt, the responsibility … the bond and the love which seal the marriage between the author of the ‘original’ and his own language. 

----- Derrida

His intense joy of God-communion is slightly revealed in
a somewhat enigmatic smile.


 Anyone who has seen me has seen God.

—- John

Grace is from God, and works in the depth of the soul whose powers it employs. It is a light which issues forth to do service under the guidance of the Spirit.

—- Meister Eckhart

And just as the cow was both upper and lower, the serpent was also twofold: heavenly and subterranean.

—- Eric Neumann

Through the crack of the door one has a limited outlook; one looks outward 
from within. Contemplation is subjectively limited. One tends to relate
everything to oneself and cannot put oneself in another's place and
understand his motives. This is appropriate for a good housewife. It is not
necessary for her to be conversant with the affairs of the world. But for a man
who must take active part in public life, such a narrow, egotistic way of
contemplating things is of course harmful.

---- I Ching

Hospitality — this is a name or an example of deconstruction.---- Derrida

He looked up and said, ‘I see people; they look like trees walking around.’

---- Mark

“Everything is subjective,” you say; but even this is interpretation. The subject is not something given, it is a superadded invention, stuck on to the tail. 
---- Nietzsche

 he was fully awake
at all times to the spiritual problems of seekers who approached for his bounty


But the goddess is not merely the vessel of the Great Round; she is also the dynamic of the life contained in it.
-—- Eric Neumann

We know that a text does not consist of a line of words, releasing a single “theological” meaning (the “message” of the Author-God), but is a space of many dimensions, in which are wedded and contested various kinds of writing, no one of which is original: the text is a tissue of citations, resulting from the thousand sources of culture.

—- Roland Barthes

The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is God, living in me, who is doing his work.

—- John