2024 (#151) : Emerson , I Ching , Paramhansa Yogananda , Gospel of Luke , Montessori , William Blake , Deuteronomy , Walt Whitman , Sri Ramana Maharshi , Bereshit / Genesis

Thoughts come into our minds by avenues which we never voluntarily opened. Character teaches over our head.

—- Emerson

the movements of the heart—that is, a man’s thoughts—should restrict themselves to the immediate situation

—- I Ching

   infinite ingenuity

—- Paramhansa Yogananda 

 the kingdom of God is within you

—- Luke

 rest and movement are in agreement with the demands of the time, and thus there is light in life.

—- I Ching

unanticipatory Ever-Newness 

—- Paramhansa Yogananda

So today the child begins to be visualized as it should
be, as the connection, the joining link between different
phases of history and different levels of civilization.

—- Montessori

   Advance and stillness complement each other. Keeping still is preparing oneself for a new advance.

—– I Ching

instant guidance, 

—- Paramhansa Yogananda

while the Morning plumes her golden breast

—- William Blake

 be introspective about one’s shortcomings to cultivate inner strength and virtue  

—- I Ching

I have been subtly directed to adopt the right course in everything 

—– Paramhansa Yogananda

He nourished him with honey from the rock.

—– Deuteronomy

exploring the new world and starting a new cycle

—- I Ching

tune in with the Divine Will, 

—- Paramhansa Yogananda

The old, old urge,
Based on the ancient pinnacles, lo, newer, higher pinnacles

—- Walt Whitman

Take action

—- I Ching

outward manifestation or “witness” is Aum or Holy Ghost, the divine, creative, invisible power which structures all creation through vibration. 

—- Paramhansa Yogananda

Your duty is to be and not to be this or that. ‘I am that I am’ sums up the whole truth. The method is summed up in the words ‘Be still’. What does stillness mean? It means destroy yourself.

—- Sri Ramana Maharshi

The two persons are kneeling on the floor face to face

—– I Ching

Aum the blissful Comforter 

—- Paramhansa Yogananda

a fruitful vine near a spring, whose branches climb over a wall.

—– Bereshit / Genesis

     When things are worthy of careful attention, surely people will draw close together Thus, after Watching, closing together follows. 

—- I Ching  

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