2024 (#191) : I Ching, Chuang-tzu , Gospel of Mary , Thich Nhat Hanh , William Carlos Williams , Paramhansa Yogananda , Nietzsche , Percy Bysshe Shelley , Jung , Ramesh Balsekar , Winnicott , Heidegger , Gospel of Thomas , Malaguzzi , Sri Ramana Maharshi , Mandukya Upanishad , Gospel of Mark

rapid, easy progress, which at the same time means ever widening 
expansion and clarity

---- I Ching

  Bye and bye comes the Great Awakening, and we find that this life is really a great dream. . . . Then we are embraced in obliterating Unity. There is perfect adaptation to whatever may happen—and so we complete our allotted span

— Chuang-tzu

If you despair, stand up and gaze ahead before nature’s diversity of forms. Whoever has ears to hear should hear.

—– The Gospel of Mary

   your eyes are capable of seeing forms and colors, isn’t it wonderful?

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

a closer intimacy
---- I Ching

from mathematics to particulars

divided as the dew, 

floating mists, to be rained down and 

regathered into a river that flows and encircles

—- William Carlos Williams

An enlightened ruler 
and an obedient servant— this is the condition on which great progress 
---- I Ching

  The magnificent palace will be the scene of your initiation

—- Paramhansa Yogananda 

To esteem is to create

—- Nietzsche 

  Like the bright hair uplifted from the head

—-  Percy Bysshe Shelley

   The sun rises over the earth:
The image of PROGRESS.
Thus the superior man himself
Brightens his bright virtue

---- I Ching

The serpent is an equivalent of the fish.

—- Jung

  . Enlightenment means the total acceptance and understanding that I do not exist as an independent doer, that everything happens by God’s Will

—-  Ramesh Balsekar

The light of the sun rises over the earth is by nature clear
---- I Ching

 The consensus of opinion interpreted the Redeemer equally as a fish and a serpent

—- Jung

   go out and look at leaves, flowers, children, and clouds, and be happy. 

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

The higher the sun 
rises, the more it emerges from the dark mists, spreading the pristine purity 
of its rays over an ever widening area
---- I Ching

he is a fish because he rose from the unknown depths, and a serpent because he came mysteriously out of the darkness

—- Jung

   to advance, to promote, or to proceed

—-  I Ching

  a paean of welcome

—-Paramhansa Yogananda 

  the sun is rising over the Earth, an image of progress

—-   I Ching

In this squiggle
game I make some kind of an impulsive line-drawing and
invite the child whom I am interviewing to turn it into
something, and then he makes a squiggle for me to turn
into something in my turn.

—- Winnicott

  upon the earth, two plants are flourishing and blooming upward with the yang energy from the sun, glowing like the flame of a fire  

—- I Ching

  Of the horizon to the zenith’s height

—–  Percy Bysshe Shelley

   not only an act of proceeding but also the radiance of the energy

—-   I Ching

Insatiably your soul strives for treasures and gems, because your virtue is insatiable in wanting to give.

—- Nietzsche

  The bright is appearing over the earth. — The submissive is clinging to the brilliant. The gentle is proceeding and moving upward  

—- I Ching

  have a good perception of the oak tree in order to see its Buddha nature, its function as a teacher.

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

  . Consciousness does not get into the body. The body is part of the manifestation, created by Consciousness.

—-  Ramesh Balsekar

into a spacious reception hall 

—Paramhansa Yogananda 

  Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre

—–  Percy Bysshe Shelley

  The superior person cultivates his virtues 

 And hightens them by himself  

—- I Ching

   whatever happens, is part of the functioning of Totality, or God’s Will

—-  Ramesh Balsekar

  one’s motivation should be pure

—-   I Ching

To acknowledge and respect consists in
letting every thinker’s thought come to us as something in
each case unique, never to be repeated, inexhaustible–and
being shaken to the depths by what is unthought in his

—- Heidegger

  transcending is always letting go of our views and knowledge in order to transcend.  

—- Thich Nhat Hanh

   Proceeding should be stable, gradual, and steady

—-   I Ching

Come to me, for my yoke is easy and my mastery gentle, and you will find rest for yourselves.

——- Gospel of Thomas

  Advancing, a securely established lord presents many horses, and grants audience three times in a day .  

—– I Ching

The odor of incense and of roses wafted through the air; dim lamps shed a multicolored glow. 

—-Paramhansa Yogananda 

  And saw in sleep old palaces and towers Quivering within the wave’s intenser day

—–  Percy Bysshe Shelley

   using understanding to practice receptivity, according with the time and according with truth, illumination grows day by day ; therefore it is called advance .  

—- I Ching

Creativity becomes more visible when adults try to be more attentive to the cognitive processes of children than to the results they achieve in various fields of doing and understanding.

—- Malaguzzi

   being sincere and clear-minded

—–   I Ching

  prepare for a reentry into society.

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

The false ‘I’ will disappear and the real ‘I’ will be realized.

—– Sri Ramana Maharshi

A vibrant joy pervaded the atmosphere 

—-Paramhansa Yogananda 

   When the mind is empty, it is observant and careful, not being fooled by desire for things ; within black there is white—spiritual illumination comes of itself.

—-   I Ching

When you make two into one, you will become human children. When you say, “Mountain, move,” the mountain will move.

—– Gospel of Thomas

  spiritual illumination comes of itself.The original nature of innate knowledge and capacity in people is bright and lucid; its quality is fundamentally illumined .  

—– I Ching

  The sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear 

The sapless foliage of the ocean

—–  Percy Bysshe Shelley

a few ejaculations of wonderment 

—Paramhansa Yogananda 

  The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind

—–  Percy Bysshe Shelley

   “advance the fire,” this is a matter of promoting restoration of illumination  

—– I Ching

When the bridegroom leaves the wedding chamber, then let the people fast and pray.

—- Gospel of Thomas

   there is no such thing as an individual

—–   Thich Nhat Hanh

   The work of fostering illumination cannot be done without obedience, which means according with the time and according with truth .  

—- I Ching

He is not knowable by perception, turned inward or outward, nor by both combined. He is neither that which is known, nor that which is not known, nor is He the sum of all that might be known. He cannot be seen, grasped, bargained with. He is undefinable, unthinkable, indescribable.

—– Mandukya Upanishad

  what heaven bestows on humans is good, and people who submit to heaven, obey heaven, and accord with heaven are good too . When heaven and humanity act in concert, there is spontaneous truthfulness and illumination; that illumination grows daily, from subtle to evident, gradually advancing to a realm of lofty understanding and far-reaching vision .  

—— I Ching

the mystery of its origin. 

—Paramhansa Yogananda

  The hour of the horse is noon, which is in the province of the image of the light of fire ; multitude is what is produced by the earth, so it is in the province of the image of receptivity of earth. “A day” is the light of day ; illumination is above . Granting audience three times is the receptivity o f earth; receptivity is below.  

—- I Ching

Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank from it.

—- Mark

2024 (#190) : I Ching , Gospel of Mark , Book of Jeremiah , Jung , Ramesh Balsekar , Paramhansa Yogananda , Taittireeya-Upanishad , Gospel of John , Thich Nhat Hanh , Atma-Bodha Upanishad , Book of Numbers , Nietzsche

she is sincere and trustworthy 

—– I Ching

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take it; this is my body.”

—– Mark

. The color of gold, yellow, in the system of the five elements is the color of Earth, which is in the central place. This brings good fortune 

—- I Ching

 I will heal them and reveal to them abundance, of prosperity and security.

—– Jeremiah

the wonderful water of the Euphrates has the property of the aqua doctrinae, which perfects every nature in its individuality and thus makes man whole too. It does this by giving him a kind of magnetic power by which he can attract and integrate that which belongs to him.

—-  Jung

   Consciousness is the ground of everything. Consciousness is not a hen coming out of an egg. Consciousness is both, the egg and the hen.

—- Ramesh Balsekar

the golden arrow

—- I Ching

enjoy the beauties of a palace

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda

able to obtain support from this element at the king’s place

—-   I Ching

In Spirit, he attains heaven, conquers his mind ; becomes master of speech, sight, hearing, knowledge.

—- Taittireeya-Upanishad

Relief alternates to Delight

—- I Ching

Whatever happens, happens because of the Will of God.

—-Ramesh Balsekar

Relief alternates to Marrying Maiden  

—- I Ching

Yonder light is the glow of a golden palace

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda

one should still be cautious  

—- I Ching

I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me.

—- John

The buds of plants and fruit trees begin to burst. Great indeed is the time of relieving!  

—- I Ching

Look at the trees in our yard. An oak tree is an oak tree. That is all it has to do.

—–   Thich Nhat Hanh

He will receive merit by going forward

 Heaven and Earth obtain relief

—-   I Ching  

led the way through the forest

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

  to relieve a difficult situation, one should follow the way of yin like the Earth, gently and amiably. After relieving the hardship, one should rest and recuperate like the Earth, nourishing and nurturing myriad beings.

—-   I Ching

The Maya has gone away from me, I am the pure vision; my ego has gone down, so has the difference between world, god and soul. I am the inner-self, without positive and negative rules

—- Atma-Bodha Upanishad

after the hot and suffocating atmosphere is relieved, — people can breathe freely again. Tension is relieved. A new cycle begins.  

—- I Ching

The ego has nothing to do with what happens through the body, because there is energy inside the body which will produce some change.

—-  Ramesh Balsekar 

Times of deliverance demand inner resolve
---- I Ching

  practicing meditation is for us to be serene and happy, understanding and loving.—-  Thich Nhat Hanh

the time of deliverance draws
near, with its call to deeds

---- I Ching

lie down by the river—-  Paramhansa Yogananda

the arrow signifies the straight course.
If one devotes himself wholeheartedly to the task of deliverance, he develops
so much inner strength from his rectitude that it acts as a weapon against all
that is false and low

--- I Ching

When your heart flows broad and full like a river—- Nietzsche

The hindrance is past,
deliverance has come. One recuperates in peace and keeps still.

---- I Ching

  . Changes in your daily life will be produced by the understanding, and not by “you.”—–  Ramesh Balsekar 

water washes
everything clean

--- I Ching

 the river, the trees, and the birds—-  Thich Nhat Hanh

Through clarity he brings deliverance

--- I Ching

 the present brilliant pattern of reunion

—–  Paramhansa Yogananda 

The noncanonical fish symbol led us into this psychic matrix and thus into a realm of experience where the unknowable archetypes become living things, changing their name and guise in never-ending succession and, as it were, disclosing their hidden nucleus by perpetually circumambulating round it.

—– Jung

The image of DELIVERANCE.
Thus the superior man pardons mistakes
And forgives misdeeds

---- I Ching

If you have a park or a riverbank near your home, you are very fortunate because you can enjoy practicing walking meditation.

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

If there
are any residual matters that ought to be attended to, it should be done as
quickly as possible, so that a clean sweep is made and no retardations occur

---- I Ching

the radiant force newly generated within me conveyed an assurance of unassailable protection.

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

we must not overdo our triumph. The
point is not to push on farther than is necessary. Returning to the regular
order of life as soon as deliverance is achieved brings good fortune.

---- I Ching

Accept the understanding and accept the changes, if they happen—-  Ramesh Balsekar

In our former lives, we were trees.

—-  Thich Nhat Hanh

Just as rain relieves atmospheric tension,
making all the buds burst open, so a time of deliverance from burdensome
pressure has a liberating and stimulating effect on life.

---- I Ching

Y’varekh’kha Adonai v’yishmerekha.
[May Adonai bless you and keep you.]

—- Numbers

This refers to a time in which tensions and complications begin to be eased

---- I Ching

a comforting warmth, an inner radiation, began to pulsate in every cell of my body. I marveled. 

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

The obstacle has been
removed, the difficulties are being resolved.

--- I Ching

Every time we look at the oak tree we have confidence.

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

Here the movement goes out of the sphere of danger

--- I Ching

Watch for every hour, my brothers, in which your spirit wants to speak in parables: there lies the origin of your virtue.

— Nietzsche

2024 (#189) : Nietzsche , I Ching , Thich Nhat Hanh , Paramhansa Yogananda , Book of Numbers , Ramesh Balsekar , Jung , Atma-Bodha Upanishad , Gospel of John , Taittireeya-Upanishad , Book of Jeremiah , Gospel of Mark

Watch for every hour, my brothers, in which your spirit wants to speak in parables: there lies the origin of your virtue.

— Nietzsche

Here the movement goes out of the sphere of danger

--- I Ching
Every time we look at the oak tree we have confidence.

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

The obstacle has been 
removed, the difficulties are being resolved.

--- I Ching
a comforting warmth, an inner radiation, began to pulsate in every cell of my body. I marveled. 

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

This refers to a time in which tensions and complications begin to be eased

---- I Ching

Y’varekh’kha Adonai v’yishmerekha.
[May Adonai bless you and keep you.]

—- Numbers

Just as rain relieves atmospheric tension, 
making all the buds burst open, so a time of deliverance from burdensome
pressure has a liberating and stimulating effect on life.

---- I Ching

  In our former lives, we were trees.

—-  Thich Nhat Hanh

 Accept the understanding and accept the changes, if they happen

—-  Ramesh Balsekar 

we must not overdo our triumph. The 
point is not to push on farther than is necessary. Returning to the regular
order of life as soon as deliverance is achieved brings good fortune.

---- I Ching

the radiant force newly generated within me conveyed an assurance of unassailable protection.

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

If there 
are any residual matters that ought to be attended to, it should be done as
quickly as possible, so that a clean sweep is made and no retardations occur

---- I Ching

  If you have a park or a riverbank near your home, you are very fortunate because you can enjoy practicing walking meditation.

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

The image of DELIVERANCE.
Thus the superior man pardons mistakes
And forgives misdeeds

---- I Ching

The noncanonical fish symbol led us into this psychic matrix and thus into a realm of experience where the unknowable archetypes become living things, changing their name and guise in never-ending succession and, as it were, disclosing their hidden nucleus by perpetually circumambulating round it.

—– Jung

  the present brilliant pattern of reunion

—–  Paramhansa Yogananda 

Through clarity he brings deliverance

--- I Ching

  , the river, the trees, and the birds

—-  Thich Nhat Hanh

water washes 
everything clean

--- I Ching

  . Changes in your daily life will be produced by the understanding, and not by “you.”

—–  Ramesh Balsekar 

The hindrance is past, 
deliverance has come. One recuperates in peace and keeps still.

---- I Ching

When your heart flows broad and full like a river

—- Nietzsche

the arrow signifies the straight course. 
If one devotes himself wholeheartedly to the task of deliverance, he develops
so much inner strength from his rectitude that it acts as a weapon against all
that is false and low

--- I Ching

   lie down by the river

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda

 the time of deliverance draws 
near, with its call to deeds

---- I Ching

  practicing meditation is for us to be serene and happy, understanding and loving.

—-  Thich Nhat Hanh

Times of deliverance demand inner resolve
---- I Ching

  The ego has nothing to do with what happens through the body, because there is energy inside the body which will produce some change.

—-  Ramesh Balsekar 

  after the hot and suffocating atmosphere is relieved, — people can breathe freely again. Tension is relieved. A new cycle begins.  

—- I Ching

The Maya has gone away from me, I am the pure vision; my ego has gone down, so has the difference between world, god and soul. I am the inner-self, without positive and negative rules

—- Atma-Bodha Upanishad

  to relieve a difficult situation, one should follow the way of yin like the Earth, gently and amiably. After relieving the hardship, one should rest and recuperate like the Earth, nourishing and nurturing myriad beings.

—-   I Ching

  led the way through the forest

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

  He will receive merit by going forward Heaven and Earth obtain relief

—-   I Ching

Look at the trees in our yard. An oak tree is an oak tree. That is all it has to do.

—–   Thich Nhat Hanh

  The buds of plants and fruit trees begin to burst. Great indeed is the time of relieving!  

—- I Ching

I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me.

—- John

    one should still be cautious  

—- I Ching

  Yonder light is the glow of a golden palace

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

  Relief alternates to Marrying Maiden  

—- I Ching

  . Whatever happens, happens because of the Will of God.

—-Ramesh Balsekar 

   Relief alternates to Delight

—- I Ching

In Spirit, he attains heaven, conquers his mind ; becomes master of speech, sight, hearing, knowledge.

—- Taittireeya-Upanishad

   able to obtain support from this element at the king’s place

—-   I Ching

  enjoy the beauties of a palace

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

   the golden arrow

—- I Ching

the wonderful water of the Euphrates has the property of the aqua doctrinae, which perfects every nature in its individuality and thus makes man whole too. It does this by giving him a kind of magnetic power by which he can attract and integrate that which belongs to him.

—-  Jung

. The color of gold, yellow, in the system of the five elements is the color of Earth, which is in the central place. This brings good fortune 

—- I Ching

 I will heal them and reveal to them abundance, of prosperity and security.

—– Jeremiah

she is sincere and trustworthy 

—- I Ching

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take it; this is my body.”

—– Mark

2024 (#188) : Thich Nhat Hanh , Nietzsche , I Ching , Ramesh Balsekar , Gospel of John , Malaguzzi , Aksha Malika Upanishad , Paramhansa Yogananda , Aitareya Upanishad , Gospel of Mary , James Hillman

 The plant will die or be alive because of the earth. The plant takes refuge in the earth, the soil. But earth entrusts herself to me because each leaf that falls down and decomposes makes the soil richer.

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

they may flow back out of your well as the gifts of your love.

—- Nietzsche 

Lake, symbolizing joy, joyfully clings to Fire, Brightness. In the course of diversifying, there is still

—- I Ching

  When it is finally understood that there is no individual doer, conceptualizing stops, and What-is is accepted as something which is the functioning of Totality or God. All events and actions concerning this body-mind organism are part of What-is at the present moment.

—- Ramesh Balsekar

streams of living water will flow from within 

—- John

  to realize awakening, to realize compassion, to realize understanding.

—–   Thich Nhat Hanh

 we widen the networks of communication, familiarizing children with different ways of communicating and supporting the actions and exchanges of individuals and the group


Fire represents the
middle daughter and Lake the youngest daughter

—- I Ching

Salutations ! Salutations to you of the nature of all Tattvas, all knowledge, of the nature of all powers, of the nature of all good,

—-  Aksha Malika Upanishad

   is the way of understanding and love-how to understand, how to love, how to make understanding and love into real things.

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

  the brass cup

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda

The internal thread must be thought of as Brahma (the Supreme Being). The right side silver cap must be considered to be the place of Shiva and Copper caps belonging to Vishnu.

—– Aitareya Upanishad

Ensuring that every child feels a sense of security and belonging within the school enables each child to accept and participate actively in transforming situations that are part of learning experiences


“The joyous clings to the
brilliant. The yielding advances and moves upward. It attains the central
place and responds to the firm. This is why there is good fortune in little

—- I Ching

  The way she looks, the way she lives her daily life, the way she deals with people, animals, and plants helps us realize understanding and love in our life.  

—– Thich Nhat Hanh

“Each nature and shaped thing and every creature lives in and with each other, and will dissolve into distinctive roots, and the nature of matter will dissolve into the root of nature. Whoever has ears to hear should hear.”

—- The Gospel of Mary

  Then the genius [ daimon ] again led the soul to the spinning of Atropos [atropos = not to be turned, inflexible] to make the web of its destiny irreversible.

—-James Hillman 

Verily, a new deep murmur and the voice of a new well!

—- Nietzsche

  It can express itself in just being. Sometimes if we don’t do anything, we help more than if we do a lot. We call that non action.  

—– Thich Nhat Hanh

strengthen each child’s sense of identity through recognition by peers and adults


Fire moves upward Lake moves downward
Two daughters live together

—- I Ching

2024 (#187) : I Ching , Paramhansa Yogananda , Malaguzzi , Ramesh Balsekar , Thich Nhat Hanh

preserving celestial energy  

—–   I Ching  (T. Cleary)

   invisibly present

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda

consolidation of affections, two-way process of communication,…


   borrow the earthly t o complete the celestial

—-     I Ching  (T. Cleary)

, there is no individual doing the talking or the listening. The event of a conversation is happening through two body-mind organisms as part of What-is at this moment. It is one movement in What-is.

—   Ramesh Balsekar

   spread the grass into a cushion

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

the spirit of cooperation, emphasis on research as individuals and groups, attention to context


   have strength in balance, attaining the power to adapt to changes, having flexibility within firmness and firmness within flexibility  

—–   I Ching  (T. Cleary)

2024 (#186) : Ramesh Balsekar , I Ching , Jung , Malaguzzi , Paramhansa Yogananda , Thich Nhat Hanh , James Hillman

what, ultimately, does enlightenment really mean? It simply means the total acceptance that there is no personal free will, 

—-    Ramesh Balsekar

   adopting a conciliatory attitude

—-  I Ching (A. Huang)

The snake does in fact symbolize “cold-blooded,”inhuman contents and tendencies of an abstractly intellectual as well as a concretely animal nature: in a word, the extra-human quality in man.

 — Jung

we favor the discussion of problems that integrate the cognitive, affective, and expressive domains.

—- Malaguzzi

 , like a mother bird guarding her young

—–  Paramhansa Yogananda

   influence people with positive virtue

—-  I Ching (A. Huang)

We seek to support social exchanges that better ensure the flow of expectations, activities, cooperation, conflicts, and choices


  there is no great harm.

—–  I Ching (A. Huang)

  the milk was doing wonderful things,

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

Creating progresses downward from the transcendent to the teeming here of immanence.

—–James Hillman 

 It is fortunate if one is strong yet can maintain rectitude, working by day and careful by night, mastering oneself in danger; then one can avoid the fault of damaging the celestial by the mundane  

—–     I Ching  (T. Cleary)

 We consider relationships to be the fundamental, energizing strategy of our educational system


  The young lady was so happy, she poured him another bowl of milk.

—–   Thich Nhat Hanh

2024 (#185) : I Ching , Paramhansa Yogananda , Book of Jeremiah , Malaguzzi , Thich Nhat Hanh , Nietzsche

  The queen is standing upright and bowing. Underneath her bending body is an open mouth,  

—–I Ching (A. Huang)

   over the luminescent astral sea where the glorious angels sail

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda

he who appoints the sun

 to shine by day,

who decrees the moon and stars
    to shine by night,
who stirs up the sea
    so that its waves roar

—-  Jeremiah

  When Heaven and Earth meet All creatures are fully displayed  central and the correct His aspiration will be fulfilled under Heaven. Great indeed is the time and significance of Encountering!  

—–I Ching (A. Huang)

What always surprises us is how strategies will be modified along the way — how new methodologies and ways of proceeding will be mirrored in the corresponding activities, strategies and methodologies used by the children.

—- Malaguzzi

  the community that lives in harmony and awareness.

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

  Under Heaven, there is Wind An image of Encountering.

—-  I Ching (A. Huang)

Golden splendor makes peace between moon and sun.

—- Nietzsche

2024 (#188) : Paramhansa Yogananda , Thich Nhat Hanh , Malaguzzi , Jung , I Ching , Book of Jeremiah , James Hillman , Nietzsche

   fill your expanding heart with God

—–  Paramhansa Yogananda   

the morning star appeared in the sky

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

interactive constructivist views of learning , intensive relations among all participants


 the ray of light from above mingles with the dark waters below in the form of a minute spark. At the death of the individual, and also at his figurative death as a mystical experience, the two substances unmix themselves.

—- Jung 

 In general, opposition appears as an obstruction, but when it represents 
polarity within a comprehensive whole, it has also its useful and important 
functions. The oppositions of heaven and earth, spirit and nature, man and 
woman, when reconciled, bring about the creation and reproduction of life.

---- I Ching

smiling and enjoying his breathing 

 —– Thich Nhat Hanh

We attend with infinite care to a continuously renewed network of communication


on the east as far as the corner of the Horse Gate

—-  Jeremiah 

  walking slowly, enjoying themselves

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

Lachesis leads the soul to the second of the three personifications of destiny, Klotho (klotho = to twist by spinning). “Under her hand and her turning of the spindle, the destiny of the chosen lot is ratified.”

—-James Hillman 

During this operation the helpful Mercurius appears

—– Jung

the group becomes self-sustaining, developing its own conversation, its own ways of communicating, acting and thinking.


 I entrust myself to earth, Earth entrusts herself to me.

—-    Thich Nhat Hanh

Insatiably your soul strives for treasures and gems, because your virtue is insatiable in wanting to give.

—- Nietzsche  

 often drank the nectar

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda

the children discover that the value in communication is in enhancing the autonomy of individuals and the group


2024 (#183) : I Ching , Jung , Thich Nhat Hanh , Ramesh Balsekar , Nietzsche

   Under heaven, wind:
The image of COMING TO MEET.

----I Ching (R. Wilhelm)

Warm-blooded or cold-blooded vertebrates of all kinds, or even invertebrates, thus indicate the degree of unconsciousness.

— Jung

  It is with our capacity of smiling, breathing, and being peace that we can make peace.

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

Heaven is far from the things of earth, but it sets 
them in motion by means of the wind.

----I Ching (R. Wilhelm)

  There is no individual with free will

—-   Ramesh Balsekar

His disciples gave him as a farewell present a staff with a golden handle on which a serpent coiled around the sun. Zarathustra was delighted with the staff and leaned on it.

—- Nietzsche

2024 (#182) : James Hillman , I Ching , Emerson , Thich Nhat Hanh , Paramhansa Yogananda

The Kabbalist tree , as first elaborated in thirteenth-century Spain, imagines the descending branches to be conditions of the soul’s life, which becomes more and more manifest and visible as it descends.

—-James Hillman 

 the coming together must be free of dishonest 
ulterior motives

----I Ching (R. Wilhelm)

from within or from behind a light shines through us upon things , and makes us aware that we are nothing, but the light is all.

—- Emerson

  This capacity of waking up, of being aware of what is going on in your feelings, in your body, in your perceptions, in the world,

—-   Thich Nhat Hanh

   a folded blanket in one corner

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda