2024 (#174) : I Ching , Paramhansa Yogananda , James Hillman , Jung , Ramesh Balsekar , ee cummings , Emerson, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Book of Revelation , Nietzsche , Book of Job , Plotinus , Gospel of Mark , Book of Jeremiah , Hilda Doolittle , Bereshit / Genesis , Wallace Stevens , Gospel of Mathew

  sincerity reveals one’s inner beauty, which is one’s true beauty

—- I Ching  

come to my cave tonight to discuss a matter of great importance 

—- Paramhansa Yogananda    

In Egypt, it might have been the ka, or the ba with whom you could converse.

—- James Hillman 

  while she looks adorned, she remains plain as pure white, ‘Like a white horse with wings in pursuit.”

—- I Ching  

Deliberate attention should then be given to the unconscious so that the compensation can set to work.

—- Jung

  she is shy, but her love is true

—- I Ching  

 you are not an independent entity. What you consider yourself to be — an independent entity with a sense of personal doership — is merely a programmed body-mind organism through which God or Totality creates certain actions.

— Ramesh Balsekar 

your spirit, your free-soul, your animal-soul, your breath-soul

—-James Hillman 

  The best way is to adorn but still retain one’s true nature

—- I Ching  

near and more near their draping selves redrape 

lascivious hips against insisting sky

—- ee cummings

   transcendental star.

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

  adorn with simplicity, as with pure white

—- I Ching  

I become a transparent eyeball. I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate  through me; I am part or parcel of God. 

—- Emerson

  leaving the carriage and walking

—- I Ching  

You believe those actions are your actions, but really they are God’s. And the only final thing to understand is that there is no individual doer who is capable of any personal action. 

—– Ramesh Balsekar 

Plato in his Myth of Er uses the word, paradeigma, a basic form encompassing your entire destiny.

—- James Hillman 

  How can a thing exist without its basis? With reference to a human being, one must cultivate inner beauty, the beauty of the soul.

— I Ching  

To be a living being is not the ultimate state; there is something beyond, much more wonderful, which is neither being nor nonbeing, neither living nor not-living. It is a state of pure awareness, beyond the limitations of space and time.

—- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj 

  bring out one’s own natural beauty

—- I Ching  

   divinely appointed medium of supernal blessings

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle.

—- Revelation

  Adorning plainly As pure white, Like a white horse with wings in pursuit. Not a robber, a suitor

—- I Ching  

meditation happens only when there is no individual meditator. Whenever true meditation happens, you will realize that the meditator is not there 

—– Ramesh Balsekar 

this accompanying image shadowing your life is the bearer of fate and fortune, it is not a moral instructor or to be confused with conscience

—–James Hillman 

  Fire shines at the foot of a mountain. An image of beautiful adorning 

—- I Ching  

when he came into the forest, all at once there stood before him an old man who had left his holy cottage to look for roots in the woods.

—- Nietzsche / Zarathustra

  unsubject to the universal economy

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

  Watching the adornment of Heaven, One can see the changes of the four seasons. Watching the adornment of humanity, One can educate and transform

—- I Ching  

Having no thoughts means that there is a “you” to have, or not have, thoughts. But it is not “you” who has the choice. 

—- Ramesh Balsekar 

The beginning of the enantiodromia would fall, logically, midway between the two fishes. We have seen that this is so.

—- Jung

  there is prosperity and smoothness

—- I Ching  

The concept of this individualized soul-image has a long, complicated history; its appearance in cultures is diverse and widespread and the names for it are legion.

—-James Hillman 

  visible as a light image

—–  Paramhansa Yogananda 

  one finds peace of mind in a true relationship with the friend who courts

—- I Ching  

The time of the Renaissance begins in the immediate vicinity of the second fish, and with it comes that spirit which culminates in the modern age

—- Jung

understand that there is no “you” to do any act, that all actions are produced by the Supreme Power through each body-mind organism, then every action of yours is merely witnessed without getting involved in them 

—– Ramesh Balsekar 

  The winged horse is the symbol of the thoughts that transcend all limits
of space and time

—- I Ching  

But ask the animals — they will teach you —
and the birds in the air — they will tell you;
 or speak to the earth — it will teach you —

—- Job

image, character, fate, genius, calling, daimon, soul, destiny

—-James Hillman 

  Confirmation comes from the outside; it comes like
a white winged horse

—– I Ching  

In the woods, we return to reason and faith. There I feel that nothing can befall me in life-no disgrace, no calamity (leaving me my eyes), which nature cannot repair. Standing on the bare ground-my head bathed by the blithe air and uplifted into infinite space-all mean egotism vanishes.

—- Emerson

When whatever happens is not judged, witnessing happens. And only this understanding — that whatever happens is God’s Will, and not your action — will prevent judging. 

—– Ramesh Balsekar 

   The white color indicates simplicity.

—- I Ching  

These many words and names do not tell us what “it” is, but they do confirm that it is. They also point to its mysteriousness.

—–James Hillman 

  woo at the right time

—- I Ching  

This All is universal power, of infinite extent and infinite in potency, God is so
great that all his parts are infinite. Name any place, and He is already there.

― Plotinus

  A white horse comes as if on wings

—- I Ching  

  the necessity of spreading the self-liberations of yoga

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

  Fire at the foot of the mountain:
The image of GRACE

—- I Ching  

But “you” cannot use the understanding to produce witnessing. 

—– Ramesh Balsekar 

  aesthetic form comes into being when traditions exist that, strong and
abiding like mountains, are made pleasing by a lucid beauty  

—- I Ching

We cannot know what exactly we are referring to because its nature remains shadowy, revealing itself mainly in hints, intuitions, whispers, and the sudden urges and oddities that disturb your life.

—–James Hillman 

  In nature we see in the sky the strong light of
the sun; the life of the world depends on it. But this strong, essential thing is changed and given pleasing variety by the moon and the stars.

—- I Ching  

 At once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness,

—-  Mark

  GRACE has success

—- I Ching  

  sometimes he goes on foot from peak to peak

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

the awareness of the absence of the sense of personal doership. 

—– Ramesh Balsekar 

will find favor in the wilderness

—-  Jeremiah

  Grace-beauty of form-is necessary in any union

—- I Ching  

every single person is born with a defining image

—-James Hillman 

 played many acts of his divine life in the presence of one or more witnesses

—-  Paramhansa Yogananda 

 spray of dittany, 

cyperum, frail of flower, 

buds of myrrh, 

all-healing herbs, 

close pressed in calathes

—– Hilda Doolittle

  leading animals to green pastures

—- I Ching  

constant awareness that whatever happens is part of the functioning of Totality 

—- – Ramesh Balsekar  

a mist went up from the earth which watered the entire surface of the ground.

—-   Bereshit

  a fire that breaks out of the secret depths of the earth
and, blazing up, illuminates and beautifies the mountain, the heavenly heights  

—- I Ching

  . Surrounded by a soft halo, she slowly descended in front of me and stood motionless, steeped in an inner state of ecstasy

—–  Paramhansa Yogananda 

  VIEW, look at carefully, gaze at

—- I Ching  

Then there is nothing to think of. It comes of itself; 

And east rushes west and west rushes down, 

No matter. The grass is full

—– Wallace Stevens

  see and waterbird, observe through air or water

—- I Ching  

the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

—- Mathew

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