2018 (17e) : Deleuze , Bhagavad Gita , Gospel of Thomas , Nietzsche , Bhagavad Gita , Luke 23:44-46 , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The game has two moments which are those of a dicethrow – the dice
that is thrown and the dice that falls back. Nietzsche presents the
dicethrow as taking place on two distinct tables, the earth and the sky.
The earth where the dice are thrown and the sky where the dice fall
back: “if ever I have played dice with the gods at their table, the earth,
so that the earth trembled and broke open and streams of fire snorted
forth; for the earth is a table of the gods, and trembling with creative
new words and the dice throws of the gods” (Z III “The Seven Seals”
3 p. 245). “O sky above me, you pure and lofty sky! This is now your
purity to me, that there is no eternal reason-spider and spider’s web in
you; that you are to me a dance floor for divine chances, that you are to
me a god’s table for divine dice and dicers” (Z III “Before Sunrise” p.
186). But these two tables are not two worlds. They are the two hours
of a single world, the two moments of a single world, midnight and
midday, the hour when the dice are thrown, the hour when the dice
fall back. Nietzsche insists on the two tables of life which are also the
two moments of the player or the artist; “We temporarily abandon
life, in order to then temporarily fix our gaze upon it.” The dicethrow
affirms becoming and it affirms the being of becoming.


retiring to solitary places, and avoiding the noisy multitudes: A constant yearning to know the inner Spirit, and a vision of Truth which gives liberation: this is true wisdom leading to vision.

(The Bhagavad Gita)

“Blessed is he who came into being before he came into being. If you
become my disciples and listen to my words, these stones will minister to you. For there
are five trees for you in Paradise which remain undisturbed summer and winter and
whose leaves do not fall. Whoever becomes acquainted with them will not experience

(Gospel of Thomas)

Becoming as invention, willing, self-denial, overcoming of oneself: no
subject but an action, a positing, creative, no “causes and effects.”


and in that way you will always remain unattached and free from bondage

(Bhagavad Gita)

44 It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, 45 for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. 46 Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”[e] When he had said this, he breathed his last.

(Luke 23: 44-46)

eternity is In the split moment of the now. We miss it because the mind is ever shuttling between the past and the future. It will not stop to focus the now. It can be done with comparative ease, if interest is aroused… By keeping your mind clear and clean, by living your life in full awareness of every moment as it happens, by examining and dissolving one’s desires and fears as soon as they arise… Once you are well-established in the now, you have nowhere else to go what you are timelessly, you express eternally.

(Sri Nisagadatta Maharaj)

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