2024 : Hexagram 63 : Malaguzzi , Gospel of Mathew , William James , Bhagavad Gita , Gospel of Luke , Tao Te Ching , D.T. Suzuki , Goethe (#85)


  complete a course of action or to fulfill an achievement

—- I Ching

The consideration of personality, the development of human
potentialities must become the centre of education.

—- Malaguzzi

. It is characteristic of water to flow downward, while fire flames upward. The upward and downward movements mutually help each other   

—- I Ching

Blessed are the merciful,
    for they will be shown mercy.

—- Mathew

   a perfect situation in which everything is right  

—- I Ching

There can be no doubt that as a matter of fact a religious life, exclusively pursued, does tend to make the person exceptional and eccentric. I speak not now of your ordinary religious believer, who follows the conventional observances of his country

—- William James

  Water over Fire. An image of Already Fulfilled. In correspondence with this, The superior person contemplates the law of waxing and waning And takes preventive measures against possible decline  

—- I Ching

in the yoga of action, you first

renounce your own selfish will.

—- Bhagavad Gita

  All lines are in equilibrium, and all movements are in the proper order. Thus, the gua represents a condition of balance, harmony, and absolute correctness. It is an ideal situation.

—- I Ching

And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo, here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

—– Luke

They purposefully made progress in small steps and achieved moderate success. They remained steadfast and upright. They acted to keep the good fortune at the beginning from becoming disorder in the end. 

—– I Ching

If you are a pattern for the world,

the Tao will be strong inside you

and there will be nothing you can’t do.

—- Tao Te Ching

only in intricate situations are changes possible… When people find themselves in perfect situations, when they have achieved their goals, they tend to lose focus and drive. That is why this gua, Already Fulfilled, cannot end the I Ching.  

—- I Ching

It follows from this that the documents that will most
concern us will be those of the men who were most accomplished in the
religious life and best able to give an intelligible account of their ideas
and motives.

—- William James

  Favorable to be steadfast and upright. 

Because the firm and the yielding are in correct places 

And respond to their proper ones.  

—- I Ching

he should concentrate, with his whole 

mind, on a single object;

if he practices in this way,

his mind will soon become pure.

—– Bhagavad Gita

influenced by the spiritual atmosphere 
prevailing in times after completion
---- I Ching

  our limited consciousness, inasmuch as we know its limitation, leads us to all sorts of worry, fear, unsteadiness. But as soon as it is realized that our consciousness comes out of something which, though not known in the way relative things are known, is intimately related to us, we are relieved of every form of tension and are thoroughly at rest and at peace with ourselves and with the world generally.

—- D.T. Suzuki

conscientious obedience to the divine will
---- I Ching

Gleaming I saw the ocean, and smiling the beautiful billow,

Freshly a favoring wind, filling the sails, drove us on.

—- Goethe

while man sees what is before his eyes, God looks into the heart

--- I Ching

He can see by lamplight dimly burning,

White of veil and robe, a maiden stand

And with decorous footstep toward him turning

—- Goethe

the urge to expand

— I Ching

Up to Heaven, to serve the Lord’s intent

—- Goethe

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