2024 (#122) : Walt Whitman , Eric Neumann , I Ching , John Ashbery , Paramhansa Yogananda , Book of Kings , Derrida , Nietzsche , Mashal / Proverbs , Gospel of Luke , Mundaka Upanishad , Sri Ramana Maharshi , Jung

Of Life immense in passion, pulse, and power,
Cheerful, for freest action form’d under the laws divine

---Walt Whitman

They are matriarchal ancestors

— Eric Neumann

the right way of
conducting oneself. Heaven, the father, is above, and the lake, the youngest daughter, is below.
----I Ching

a globe like ours, resting
On a pedestal of vacuum, a ping-pong ball
Secure on its jet of water

---- John Ashbery

the heart opens only to the human chant of being.

---Paramhansa Yogananda 

“Because your heart was responsive”


upon something

---I Ching

That which returns is the constant affirmation, the “yes, yes”. That which signs here is in the form of a return

---- Derrida
We strolled to the inviting sunshine at the entrance,

--- Paramhansa Yogananda

It is a selective return without negativity, or which reduces negativity through affirmation, through alliance or marriage (hymen)

--- Derrida
The small and cheerful treads upon the large and 

---I Ching
Owing to the nature of animal consciousness.
the world of which we can become conscious is only a surface and sign-world

--- Nietzsche

ineradicable patterns of spiritual living

----Paramhansa Yogananda

From the fruit of their lips people enjoy good things

—Proverbs / Mashal

behaves with decorum

---I Ching
The sounds of your greeting

—- Luke

I sighed with relief and doubled my pace

----Paramhansa Yogananda

We shall have more to say of the yawning depths from which the magic incantation rises up, and of the twilight state of consciousness.

---- Eric Neumann

Pleasant manners succeed

---I Ching

 For now it will suffice to mention the connection between the fertility of the womb, death, sexuality, and magic in the numinous image

—- Eric Neumann

the youth rejoined me

----Paramhansa Yogananda

 beyond learning, beyond everything, better than anything; living, unliving. ‘It is the undying blazing Spirit, that seed of all seeds, wherein lay hidden the world and all its creatures

---- Mundaka Upanishad

if inner worth forms the 
criterion of external rank, people acquiesce and order reigns in society

---I Ching

 I entered the house and was ushered into a commodious parlor

----Paramhansa Yogananda

Atman is realized with mruta manas [dead mind], that is, mind devoid of thoughts and turned inward. Then the mind sees its own source and becomes that [the Self].

--- Sri Ramana Maharshi

The situation is one in which we are still not bound by any obligations of 
social intercourse. If our conduct is simple, we remain free of them We can
quietly follow our predilections as long as we are content and make not
demands on people.

---I Ching

He can give the natural perfume of any flower

----Paramhansa Yogananda

If he can be content with simplicity, 
he can make progress without blame.

---I Ching

make a person's skin exude delightful fragrance

----Paramhansa Yogananda

a man who is good at his 
work is content to behave simply

---I Ching

Would you like some perfume?"

----Paramhansa Yogananda

When he attains his goal, he does something worth 

---I Ching

"To experience the miraculous way of enjoying perfumes."

----Paramhansa Yogananda

Since he is content and does not challenge 
fate, he remains free of entanglements.

---I Ching

My own purpose is to demonstrate the power of God

----Paramhansa Yogananda

.It is not as the subject perceiving an object.When the room is dark a lamp is necessary to illumine and eyes to cognise objects. But when the sun has risen there is no need of a lamp to see objects.

---- Sri Ramana Maharshi 

Caution and circumspection
Lead ultimately to good fortune

---I Ching

manifest some of His infinite creative variety

----Paramhansa Yogananda

The cosmic mind, being not limited by the ego, has nothing separate from itself and is therefore only aware. This is what the Bible means by ‘I am that I am’

--- Sri Ramana Maharshi

one is sure of ultimate success, 
which consists in achieving one's purpose, that is, in overcoming danger by
going forward

---I Ching

I silently placed the astrally scented blossom under her

----Paramhansa Yogananda

That which you need comes from yourself, namely the meaning of the event. The meaning of events is not their particular meaning. This meaning exists in learned books. Events have no meaning.
The meaning of events is the way of salvation that you create.
---- Jung

Look to your conduct and weigh the favorable signs.
When everything is fulfilled, supreme good fortune comes.

---I Ching

subtle life forces or finer-than-atomic energies intelligently charged
with the five distinctive sensory idea-substances.

---Paramhansa Yogananda

The work is ended. If we want to know whether good fortune will follow, we 
must look back upon our conduct and its consequences.

---I Ching

we arrived at the right house

---- Paramhansa Yogananda

The impure mind which functions as thinking and forgetting, alone is samsara, which is the cycle of birth and death. The real ‘I’ in which the activity of thinking and forgetting has perished, alone is the pure liberation. It is devoid of pramada [forgetfulness of Self] which is the cause of birth and death.

---- Sri Ramana Maharshi

who dwells in righteousness among his fellow men, who buys and sells, yet is never for
a single instant forgetful of God

---- I Ching

thankful to be invited into the parlor

---Paramhansa Yogananda

 No one knows himself. It is only by the 
consequences of his actions, by the fruit of his labors, that a man can judge
what he is to expect.

----I Ching

Then I had a second vision: I saw a merry garden, in which forms walked clad in white silk, all covered in colored light, some reddish, the others blueish and greenish.

---- Jung

A hint of dovelike and tigerlike qualities

----Paramhansa Yogananda

‘Shining, yet hidden, Spirit lives in the cavern. Everything that sways, breathes, opens, closes, lives in Spirit

---- Mundaka Upanishad

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